When you book a personal training session in New York, the bustling city is your playground, and your goals are your personal mountains to climb. It’s completely normal to be a bit self-focused during these sessions—after all, it’s your time to work on your fitness and well-being. But while your personal trainer is entirely focused on you, a little awareness about their perspective can make your session smoother and more productive. 

Here’s what personal trainers wish you knew before stepping into the gym, based on their pet peeves, behind-the-scenes secrets, and tips for helping you succeed.

1. Making the Most of Your Session Means Coming Prepared

According to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, consuming protein and carbohydrates before exercise can enhance performance and recovery. A great personal training session starts before you even step foot in the gym. Trainers love when clients come prepared—mentally and physically. Whether it’s knowing what you ate that day or bringing water and the right gear, these little things can set the tone for an effective session. Also, getting enough sleep the night before or even knowing what body part you want to focus on can help you and your trainer hit the ground running.

“One of the biggest frustrations for a trainer is when a client shows up late,” says Maik, a NASM – certified personal trainer based in New York, two-time World Cup and Olympic-level swimmer, and founder of Maik Wiedenbach. “Most trainers have multiple sessions scheduled back-to-back, so if you’re running behind, it’s cutting into your own session time.” Maik Wiedenbach emphasizes the importance of punctuality, suggesting clients arrive early and use the extra time to warm up or take care of any pre-session needs, ensuring they make the most out of their workout.

2. But Also Know That You Can Come as You Are

On the flip side, don’t let fear of imperfection stop you from showing up. Trainers know that life in New York is hectic. It’s okay to come to your session feeling tired, stressed, or a little off your game. As long as you show up, your trainer can adjust the workout to meet you where you are. The important thing is consistency, not perfection.

3. Please, Stay Off Your Phone

Personal trainers aren’t huge fans of cell phones during sessions—and it’s not just because they’re a distraction. Scrolling or texting between sets can break your focus and momentum, making your session less effective. Trainers spend time crafting your workout and need your attention to adjust your form or guide you through exercises. Put the phone away, and you’ll get more out of your time.

4. Your Trainer Is Curious for a Reason

Data from the National Sleep Foundation shows that inadequate sleep can negatively impact physical performance, emphasizing the importance of discussing your sleep habits with your trainer.

If your trainer asks a lot of questions—whether about your sleep, nutrition, or stress levels—there’s a reason. They’re not just making small talk. Your body is affected by many factors outside of the gym, and your answers give them the insight needed to tailor your workout. Knowing about things like a sore knee, a poor night’s sleep, or even what you’ve been eating can help your trainer adjust your routine for optimal results.

5. The More Specific Your Goal, the Better Your Trainer Can Help You

Research by the American Psychological Association shows that setting specific, measurable goals significantly increases the likelihood of achieving them.

“Getting fit” is a great goal, but it’s also pretty broad. The more specific you are about your goals, the better your trainer can create a plan to get you there. Whether you want to improve your 5K time, build muscle, or just feel more confident in your skin, a clear goal lets your trainer develop a focused program and track your progress. They can also make the necessary adjustments as you improve or your goals evolve.

6. Know That Results Take Time

In a city that never sleeps, it’s easy to expect quick results. But fitness takes time, and trainers wish clients understood that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. While you may feel stronger and more energized after a few weeks, visible changes often take months of consistent effort. Trust your trainer, stick with the program, and the results will come.

7. Your Trainer’s Price Isn’t Negotiable

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for fitness trainers and instructors in the U.S. was $20.98 per hour as of May 2022, emphasizing the value of experienced trainers in competitive markets like New York.

Quality personal trainers in New York charge rates that reflect their expertise, certifications, and time. Many have invested years in education, learning the nuances of anatomy, strength training, and rehabilitation. Asking for a discount or negotiating their price can be seen as undervaluing their skills. If a trainer is out of your budget, consider group sessions or working with a newer trainer who offers lower rates.

8. Planning Your Session Involves More Than You Realize

It’s easy to assume your trainer just shows up and improvises, but there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes. Trainers spend time outside of your sessions creating tailored programs, thinking about your goals, and adjusting based on your progress. They also stay current with the latest fitness trends, techniques, and research to keep your sessions effective. Respect the preparation they put into each session—it’s a key part of your success.

9. Your Trainer Doesn’t Know Everything

Even the best trainers don’t have all the answers. Fitness is an ever-evolving field, and while trainers are experts in many areas, they may not specialize in everything. For example, if you’re dealing with a specific medical issue or need a specialized diet plan, they might recommend seeing a physical therapist or a dietitian. Trainers aren’t miracle workers, but they are excellent at helping you find the resources you need.

Working with a personal trainer is one of the best ways to fast-track your fitness journey. By coming prepared, setting realistic expectations, and understanding what’s going on from your trainer’s perspective, you can maximize your results and enjoy a more productive, positive experience. In a city as fast-paced as New York, it pays to approach your workouts with both intensity and a little insight!