Senior citizens are much more likely to trip or fall at home than other people are. They are also much more likely to sustain serious injuries from even minor falls than younger people. If you are the carer for an elderly person or have an elderly relative who’s living alone, now’s the time to think about investing in a medical alert system. Medical alert systems are wearable devices that allow elderly people to press a button and get in touch with a support agent in an instant. These agents can then either arrange for a carer to visit or paramedics to attend their home. Read on to find out why these systems are essential for senior citizens.

Emergency Assistance

A lot of people forget that senior citizens don’t typically carry mobile phones around with them everywhere like younger people do. Because of this, slips and falls can lead to elderly people being stuck, unable to move, and unable to call for help. Medical alert systems are often worn around people’s necks and allow elderly people to call for support with the flick of a switch. You can visit LifeStation website to learn more about the intricacies of these devices and how they are worn. Regardless of how they are worn, however, one thing is for certain, and that’s that the use of medical devices saves lives.

Greater Independence

In addition to ensuring that senior citizens are able to call for help immediately, medical alert systems also give them greater independence. They don’t have to have carers living with them, nor do they need to have relatives supervising their every move. Medical alert systems mean that you no longer need to worry about your loved one hurting themselves because they are perfectly safe on their own.

Fall Detection

Did you know that in addition to allowing your loved one to get in touch with a support agent in the event of a fall, many medical alert systems also have fall detection technology? Some falls can be serious, such as falls down the stairs or in the kitchen where there are hard floors. In such cases, it is not uncommon for people to be knocked unconscious. Medical alert devices with fall detection technology immediately alert support agents and request medical attention, ensuring elderly people don’t die because they are unconscious and unable to call for help.

24/7 Support

No matter what time of day your loved one calls for help, there will be somebody there to answer. The call centers that medical alert systems put senior citizens in touch with are active around the clock, throughout the year. This can give you and your loved one greater peace of mind. Neither you nor they will ever have to worry about them hurting themselves ever again. Make sure that when you are shopping for a medical alert system, you find the highest quality one you can. Product reviews will help you to decide whether or not a company is right for your loved one.

Medical alert systems can save lives and prevent serious injuries. If your elderly loved one doesn’t already have one, buy one as soon as you can. A medical alert system will give them greater independence, safety, and quality of life.