One of the leading causes of hearing loss is damage to the ear, and you may be surprised how many common hazards to our hearing are present in our everyday life.  Exposure to loud noises can slowly cause damage to our eardrums, dulling our hearing in the long term so that, as we get older, we begin to lose our hearing.

You may be surprised by how common loud noises are in your life. Noises that are 85 decibels and over can contribute to long-term hearing loss. For some, the workplace represents the most hazardous environment they usually find themselves in, but there are also activities that we do in our leisure time that can put our hearing at risk 

If you are concerned that you may have damaged your hearing, you can always get your hearing tested. Toronto Hearing Consultants is an audiology clinic that provides hearing tests and hearing aid fittings. Hearing loss is not reversible, but it can be treated with hearing aids. An audiologist will test for various types and degrees of hearing loss to find the right hearing aid solution to help.

In the meantime, these are 7 everyday habits that could be damaging your ears.

#1 Catching the Big Game

Part of the excitement of going to the stadium to watch live sports is the noise, from the music on the speakers to the roaring crowd. Be mindful of the damage this can do to your ears, and consider bringing earplugs or taking other protective measures.

#2 Listening to Your Headphones on Maximum

One bad habit you can stop to improve your hearing health is listening to your headphones on maximum. Many headphones now warn you about the dangers of increasing the volume to maximum.

#3 Going to a Live Concert

Many experience what’s called a “temporary threshold shift” after going to a live concert, where your hearing is muffled for several days after the fact. This is the result of your ears protecting themselves from the loud noise you experienced at the concert by dulling the sound around you.

#4 Hearing Loud Sirens

Even loud sirens such as police or ambulances can damage your hearing. This may not be a huge concern unless you live or work near a fire hall or a hospital.

#5 Going to See Fireworks

Even a trip to see fireworks with the family can expose you to acutely loud noises. You don’t have to take fireworks out of your life if you are worried about your hearing; just remember to bring earplugs to the event. Fireworks can cause noises of up to 140 to 160 decibels.

#6 Using Power Tools

DIYers need to be careful with their ears. Power tools like drills and saws are loud enough to damage your hearing. Wearing protective headphones while you work will protect your hearing from long-term exposure to noise from power tools.

#7 Flying

Do your ears pop when you’re in an airplane? The changes in air pressure that we experience when flying can cause damage to our ears. Occasional flyers do not have much to worry about, but if you fly regularly for work, consider using earplugs or chewing gum to balance the pressure.

You do not have to change your whole life around to protect your hearing, but doing things like wearing earplugs and turning down the volume when you can will make a big difference.