Want to learn the history of the Eiffel Tower from a new perspective? Then get ready to be surprised!

1. It could have ended up in Barcelona

    Gustave Eiffel originally proposed the design of the Eiffel Tower for the Barcelona World’s Fair in 1888. But the organisers of the exhibition rejected the proposal. They judged the structure to be too expensive and not in keeping with the city’s architecture. 

    2. The tower was not always brown

      The colour in which the tower has been painted for the last decade was patented especially for the Iron Lady. It’s called Eiffel brown. But in its long history it has been yellow, red-brown and the colour ochre. And the very first colour she was painted in was bright red. 

       3. It ‘grows’ in the summer  

      In different seasons it has different heights. The body of the monument is entirely steel, and under the influence of summer heat the metal expands. The difference in height in different seasons can reach 15 centimetres. 

      4. There is a secret flat at the top

      At the very top level of the tower was Gustave Eiffel’s ‘secret’ flat. In fact, it was a small apartment with an office and a laboratory. Secret, of course, they were not. Many famous visitors to the tower were invited there. But the entrance was closed to the masses. Today part of these apartments is occupied by a museum. 

      5. The tower was almost cancelled

      The construction of the tower faced a huge amount of criticism from Parisians. Prominent cultural figures even collected a petition letter demanding to stop its construction. It had 300 signatures. Among the protesters were Guy de Maupassant and Alexandre Dumas Jr.

      6. The tower was originally temporary

      World’s Fair exhibits were erected as temporary. The Eiffel Tower was only supposed to stand for 20 years until 1909. But its creator, Gustave Eiffel came up with a clever way to keep it in the centre of Paris

      7. It was a Radio Broadcasting Centre

      Gustave Eiffel came up with a second, socially useful purpose for the Eiffel Tower so that it wouldn’t be dismantled after the contract was over. He began using it as a telecommunications tower to distribute radio broadcasts. Since it was the tallest building in the city, it was the perfect purpose. It gave France the ability to intercept German radio signals during World War II.

      8. It is illegal to use pictures of the shining tower

      The “eiffel tower light show “that adorns the tower every evening is protected by copyright. Of course, you can post photos of the tower in social networks. But it is very much punishable to use these pictures for commercial purposes. 

      9. The Eiffel Tower was twice sold for scrap metal.

      Scammer Victor Lustig twice managed to pull off an amazing scheme: he contacted major businessmen and announced that the Eiffel Tower will soon be dismantled and offered to buy the metal. Amazingly, it worked. Twice. The con man was arrested anyway. 

      10. It is lit by 20,000 lights

      It is difficult to realise the scale of the main symbol of Paris, even when standing near its iron ‘legs’. Here is for you to understand: the evening glow of the tower is provided by more than 20,000 lamps and 336 spotlights. And the bulbs that make it shine like a diamond are actually the size of a weighty pear.