Often, a person’s insurance company will handle claims and pay out settlements. Despite this, it can be a good idea to hire a lawyer before the case proceeds to a settlement. Why? Lawyers can help their clients obtain a larger settlement, ensuring the client doesn’t have to pay anything out of pocket for a situation they didn’t create. There are some signs that it might be time to look into hiring a lawyer instead of letting insurance handle it. 

Case Involves Severe Injuries

Some accidents will lead to severe injuries and it can be challenging at best for the victim to keep up with everything happening while they try to recover at the same time. This is when it’s a good idea to hire a personal injury lawyer to help. The personal injury lawyer will work closely with them to ensure the victim understands everything that is happening and can participate in their own case. 

Concerns Over Determining Fault

Sometimes, it can be challenging to determine who is at fault for an accident. The cause of the accident may not be clear or the party that appears to be at fault may not be the one who actually caused the accident. For instance, if a truck causes an accident, it may not be the driver who is at fault. If the accident occurred because of failed maintenance, the party that performed the maintenance may be at fault. A lawyer can help get to the bottom of the issue and determine who is actually at fault for the accident. 

Multiple Parties are Negligent

It’s not always as simple as one person is at fault for an accident. Sometimes, there may be multiple parties that can be held liable because of their negligence. Determining the negligent parties can help determine fault in some cases, as well as determine who should pay the compensation to the victim. If there are multiple negligent parties involved in the case, it’s going to be a far more complex case, and legal assistance is highly recommended. 

Settlement Offers are Low

Sometimes, the insurance company for the party that caused the accident will make a settlement offer and will push the victim to accept it so the case is over. If the settlement offer is low and the victim accepts it, they will not be able to ask for more money later. Instead, because of the high cost of medical bills and other expenses related to accidents, it is a good idea to have a lawyer review the case and start negotiations. 

Not Covered by Insurance

There are times when an insurance company will deny the claim completely because they believe it’s not covered under their insurance policy. For instance, they may refuse to cover a driver who was under the influence. When this happens, a lawyer may be able to help the victim get compensation despite the denial. 

If you’re unsure of whether it’s time to hire a lawyer, it doesn’t hurt to have a consultation and learn more about how they can help. A lawyer can look over the case and let you know if it’s worth pursuing and, if so, what they can do to help beyond what insurance will cover. Take the time to schedule a consultation now to learn more about what they can do for your case.