Nursing homes are supposed to be a haven for older people, but the reality is the opposite. Nursing home abuse is a heartbreaking reality.

If you notice the symptoms of abuse on a loved one, don’t hesitate to talk to a nursing home abuse lawyer. These legal professionals can help you take action to protect your loved ones and punish the guilty.

In this article, we’ll explain the different ways your loved ones can experience abuse in nursing homes. You’ll also learn the signs to indicate the type of abuse they experience.

Exploring the Different Forms of Abuse in Nursing Homes

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines elder abuse as an act that causes harm to an adult aged 60 or above.

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) discovered that elderly abuse in nursing homes is common. The agency recorded that at least 1 in 10 elderly faced a form of abuse within a year.

This record represents the severity of this situation across the country. It also indicates the urgency of finding a solution to save our loved ones.

The first step is to gather evidence and document suspicious behaviors or injuries. In addition, you will need to go through the legal process of ensuring their safety.

Here are the different forms of abuse elders could face.

1. Physical Abuse

As its name indicates, this abuse involves physical acts with the intention of causing harm. The actions include pushing, hitting, or restraining a resident by force.

Many people face physical abuse in nursing homes. Signs to look for include broken bones, unusual bruises, and frequent falls. It would also help to look for obvious signs of fear or withdrawal.

2. Psychological or Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse has a more serious impact than physical ones because it affects the resident’s mental health. This form of abuse includes threats, verbal assault, and humiliation.

Unfortunately, it is often harder to notice emotional abuse, but its psychological effect can be severe on older people. The signs to look out for include depression, sudden behavioral changes, or anxiety.

You may also notice the person withdraws from others or refuses to speak about their experience.

3. Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse may be rare, but it is a possibility in nursing homes. Sexual abuse occurs when caregivers or other residents take advantage of a vulnerable resident.

This type of abuse involves various forms of non-consensual sexual activity. Sexual abuse includes inappropriate touching or sexual abuse.

Sometimes, the victim may have a disability or be cognitively impaired.

The major signs to check include torn clothing, unusual injuries in sensitive areas, or unexplained anxiety around certain people.

4. Financial Abuse

Over the years, elderly residents would have gathered savings or assets to care for them in their older years. Financial abuse occurs when nursing home staff or a caregiver illegally uses these savings, assets, or property.

Older individuals can become easy targets for financial exploitation. If you detect sudden changes in bank accounts, missing personal items, or unexplained fund withdrawals, then it means that your loved one is a victim of financial abuse.

5. Neglect

Sometimes, caregivers neglect residents by failing to provide the care and things they need. This type of abuse includes denying them hygiene, food, medication, or assistance with activities.

Unfortunately, this is the most common abuse due to factors like the resident’s behavior or declining mental or physical health. Look for signs like malnutrition, poor hygiene, dehydration, or neglected medical needs.

What Next?

Nursing abuse is something that should be taken very seriously. It is important for loved ones to keep an eye out for these signs. Early detection of the signs of abuse is essential to acting accordingly.

Also, don’t forget to seek the services of an experienced nursing home abuse attorney. Their assistance is crucial to understanding your rights and getting fair compensation.