Oklahoma takes drunk driving and DUIs s very seriously, and any DUI lawyer in Oklahoma City can tell you that we have some of the strictest rules in the country. Working with a lawyer right from the outset is the best way to minimize penalties.

From a DUI Lawyer in Oklahoma City: What Penalties do First-Timers Face?
Misdemeanor Charge
In most cases, your first offense in Oklahoma will be charged as a misdemeanor rather than a felony. In order for this to be considered your “first charge,” you can’t have had any DUIs for the past decade.
Jail Time
The jail sentence for first time DUI is 10 days to one year. Whether you’ll have to spend any time in jail at all and for how long will be determined entirely by the circumstances of your arrest and the skill of your lawyer. The more cooperative you are with the police, the less serious your behavior behind the wheel, the lower your blood alcohol level was, and the more experienced your lawyer is, the less time you’re likely to face.
First time DUI offenders face fines of up to $1,000. Again, your final cost will vary depending on the skill of your lawyer and your own behavior.
License Suspension
For a first-time offender, you will lose your license for 180 days. There can be some very rare exceptions to this, such as if you require your vehicle for work; but even if you are permitted to drive your vehicle from one location to another in a limited way, you will only be able to do so with an interlock ignition device installed.
Other Penalties
There are other circumstances that can make the situation worse even for first-time offenders. For example, if they were any children in the car at the time you were arrested, the fines double. Also, if your blood alcohol level was too high – 15% or higher – you will be required to have an ignition interlock device on your vehicle for 90 days.
Before you are sentenced, you have to be assessed by a certified drug and alcohol assessor. That assessor is going to make some recommendations about the sentencing which could also add on other requirements, like educational classes or inpatient treatment for alcohol or substance abuse. If you don’t follow the treatment recommendations by the assessor, you can end up with longer time in jail or longer license suspension.
Working With a Lawyer
As mentioned, the skill of your lawyer makes a big difference in these situations. You want to work with an Oklahoma City lawyer who has extensive experience with the local courts and prosecutors, as well as familiarity with state laws. Check out this site to learn more.
A lawyer with experience will know whether the evidence in your case can be challenged, will have experience in negotiating good plea deals with the prosecution, and will be able to find all evidence that can work in your favor to reduce penalties.
If you’ve been charged with a DUI, even if it is your first charge, you’ll always have the best outcome with the help of a lawyer.
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