People who love traveling often use an argument that you “Have to leave your comfort zone.” While this is true, the only problem with this statement is that it implies that a “comfort zone” is somehow a bad thing. How can your home, which you’re adjusting and outfitting to meet all your needs, ever be seen as a purely negative thing? 

Sure, homesickness might be holding you back, but what if you could travel and bring a part of your home with you? It would be a true win-win scenario, but how do you do it? Well, here are a few things you can do to bring the best parts of your home with you while traveling. 

  1. Use VPN

VPN software is one of the best ways to make your internet and device-using experience feel like you’re back home. Most streaming services geo-restrict shows, which means that if you want to keep watching your favorite show without these restrictions, you have to use a VPN. Remember that this particular show may be a part of your daily routine. 

This way, you’ll also always have access to geo-restricted platforms, which is a privilege you won’t have when traveling everywhere. If you’re working remotely, some of these platforms may be a saving grace.

Remember that your geographical location affects your Google search. So, when you travel, your Google search will look the same, and this will make your browsing experience the same. It also applies to your social media use. 

If you stay on your local proxy, you’ll keep getting local news without going through the extra effort. Your feed will just adjust to your location. 

  1. Bring a Portable Speaker

When you bring a portable speaker, you have a chance to create a familiar sound environment. For instance, if you’re using a white noise machine before going to bed, you can just play some of your favorite tracks and enjoy immensely. 

Some people are so accustomed to the metropolitan noise that they can’t fall asleep without it. It sounds weird, but you can always record the sounds of your neighborhood and play them to fall asleep easier. 

You also get to enjoy your own music playlists, not just while wearing headphones but also while showering, packing, or doing dishes. 

These portable speakers are compact and very easy to pack. This way, you won’t ever have to compromise about whether to bring them along or not.

  1. Travel with Your Favorite Snacks

Bringing comfort food from home is something that can instantly transfer you back. Sure, in this globalized time, you might be able to find your favorite snack abroad either way, but why take chances? What if snacks are not available at your destination? This way, you’re already set and covered.

You see, tastes, sounds, and smells can all be triggers for emotions, and if you travel with your favorite snack, you’ll own a trigger to your own comfort. This way, you’ll be able just to take a bite and, for a second, feel like you stepped into your own kitchen or a living room. It’s your nostalgia patch waiting to be used. 

This is also a useful trick if you want to save money on overpriced airport food.

Most importantly, if you don’t pick the largest bag, it will be relatively easy to pack in your carry-on.

  1. Pack a Small Scent Diffuser

Previously, we’ve talked about how a taste can trigger an emotion, and in that section, we briefly mentioned that a scent can do it, too. Why not bring the scent of home with you? Chances are that you’re already using an aroma diffuser at home, and if you bring it along, you can make your hotel room smell like home.

One thing that they don’t tell you about traveling is the fact that every place has its own distinct smell. By having a diffuser, you can trick yourself into believing that you’re someplace else. 

This helps you relax in new environments and settle in as if you were at home. It’s a simple trick, but you should never underestimate its effectiveness. 

Like all other items on this list, a scent diffuser is compact and travel-friendly. It is also customizable with your favorite essential oils, which will give you even more choice. 

  1. Take a Travel Pillow and Blanket

Sure, bringing your travel pillow or a neck pillow is a must for a frequent traveler. However, it’s not just because it provides you with a bit of extra comfort (which you’ll need); it’s also because it will allow you to mimic your home sleeping conditions. This is important since most people have trouble adjusting to their sleeping arrangements while traveling doesn’t affect everyone equally.

You’re already suffering from a jetlag, so you’ll already start from a disadvantageous position. However, with just a few items, you can make a massive difference. 

This can provide comfort during long flights or drives, which means that you’ll get a far better overall experience. After all, this is one of the most negative aspects of the journey since there’s a lot of idling, and a lot of people get sick while traveling. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that these items are so easy to pack and carry. In other words, you get so much, and you don’t have to invest too much effort to achieve it. 

Also, there’s a psychological phenomenon where familiar items reduce travel stress.

  1. Download Your Favorite Shows and Movies

On your travels, you never know when you’ll be without the internet. Well, if you download things, you can access entertainment without Wi-Fi. You could download your favorite shows and movies and bring them with you. This way, you can watch them on your phone. 

Just think about it: if you find a format that is small enough, you can download an episode of a show for as little as 350MB. Your phone, especially if you have an SD card, can take so many episodes and even movies. To make this easier, you can use a video-size calculator

So, all you have to worry about is the battery life, but this is something that you can easily fix with a power bank. 

This will help you feel at home during downtime, especially if it’s a part of your usual daily routine. 

This will also let you avoid local streaming restrictions, like the VPN we previously discussed. Sure, VPN is still superior since it gives you more choices, but this method is slightly more dependable. 

Bringing a piece of your home wherever you go is a sound strategy for travelers

What you’re really trying to do is get the best of both worlds. You’re trying to make a list of habits, routines, and objects that can fit your bag or your travel luggage and that will make the biggest difference on your journey. A pillow and a blanket can have a drastic impact on your sleep, and a VPN can make your browsing and internet-using experience feel like you never left home. With just a few items, you can make a massive difference.