Peptides are quite susceptible to contamination if not stored in optimum conditions. Their efficiency can be compromised if they succumb to moisture contact, undergo freeze-thaw cycles, etc. These cannot be used for research, drug discovery, food preservatives, etc. 

Hence, it is paramount to store and handle the liquid carefully. You need also to be careful while preparing it for usage. These instructions are meticulous but doable. Hence, you must ensure that you have the right conditions before you buy peptides

This guide will help you learn how to store and work with peptides appropriately. You will also learn how to treat the product while preparing to use it. Read along to know more. 

Dropper of clear liquid

How to Handle Peptides

Some of the important things to maintain while handling Peptides are, 

  • Tightly cap the container or vial when you are not using it. 
  • If you use the product frequently, you should divide it into aliquots, especially if it is a lyophilized peptide. Hence, this will prevent you from opening and closing the larger vial now and then. This is mainly done to cease the freeze-thaw cycles lyophilized peptides are usually prone to. 
  • Usually, peptides can retain their stability at 4°C. However, it is better to freeze it if it contains inherently unstable properties. 

Conditions to Store Peptides

There are optimum temperatures that you must maintain when storing your peptide for future use. Additionally, some favorable conditions will extend the shelf life of the product. Check out some of the major guidelines. 

  • If you are storing it temporarily (for 1 – 2 weeks), you must maintain a temperature of –20 °C. However, for long-term storage, set the temperature at –80 °C. 
  • Avoid prolonged and direct exposure to bright light. 
  • Peptide sequences with C, M, or W easily undergo air oxidation. Hence, they must be stored in airtight conditions. The best way is to purge the air and fill it with nitrogen or argon to arrest the oxidation process. 
  • If the pH level of your peptide is more than 8, ensure you freeze it while storing it for future use. 

How to Prepare Peptides for Use

There are a few steps to maintain before you begin using the product, irrespective of its purpose. They are as follows, 

  • Avoiding moisture contact is paramount as it compromises its efficiency. Hence, do not directly use it from cold storage. Rather, leave it outside till it reaches room temperature. This will lessen its tendency to come in contact with the surrounding moisture. 
  • Try to keep the vial uncapped for the shortest time possible. Hence, prepare everything before opening the vial to quickly remove the required quantity. 
  • Reseal the container immediately and store it in the optimum temperatures under dry conditions. 

Parting Words

Storing and handling peptides appropriately will help keep the product in its original form with all its beneficial features. Though peptides have a certain shelf life, taking care of them properly can extend it. Hence, you must have the required facility before you get the product. Also, it is essential to get the best-quality peptides from top sellers like Lotilabs, who can aid the process of clinical experiments.