The reasons behind hair loss are often similar in men, but occasionally, it can be because of something different. Knowing the cause of your hair loss can help establish the best ways to prevent further loss.

Let’s look at how you can prevent possible hair loss, even if it’s likely that hair loss will impact you.

How to Stop Hair Loss

First, we need to examine the reason somebody might lose their hair; this can be because of a genetic disposition to DHT exposure passed down your lineage, it might be the result of severe stress, maybe you have an iron deficiency, or perhaps you’re receiving treatment for an illness, and this is one of the side effects.

Rest assured that if stress or an illness is the reason for your hair loss, you can get this hair to grow back in time with a combination of your body being in a better position physically and mentally and medication that can revitalise your hair follicles.

However, if you have the male pattern hair loss gene, you might experience hair loss regardless of whether your body is in a good position. Even if this is the case, you can receive treatment that can prevent work towards preventing hair loss from becoming significant or addressing it if you’ve already noticeably lost hair.

Preventative products to keep your hair in excellent condition include Hair Growth Complex, a capsule containing nine natural ingredients to help boost your hair’s vitality. Anagain, Saw Palmetto, and Marine Collagen are ingredients designed to help you get the best out of your hair.

On top of this, choose the Biotin supplement to help your body produce the keratin it needs, a vital protein that supports your skin, nails, and hair.

There are everyday things you can do to not damage your hair follicles as well, like reducing the water temperature in the shower, using a top-quality shampoo like Son’s DHT-Blocking Shampoo, not combing or drying your hair aggressively, limiting hair styling products that have harsh chemicals in them, and not tying your hair up too tight so the scalp doesn’t become aggravated.

Prescribed Treatment for Hair Loss

However, if you suspect your hair loss has already begun, you might want to make sure by checking photos of your head from years ago; this will help you understand if the thickness has changed or its shape has.

Finasteride is a prescribed medication that blocks excessive DHT exposure on the scalp, so your hair is subjected to less of the hormone that causes hair loss. The medication works by stopping the conversion from testosterone into DHT before it reaches your scalp.

The other medication you could be prescribed is Minoxidil, a topical formula that increases your scalp’s oxygen and blood flow, making it easier for your hair follicles to get the nutrients and vitamins required. Even if your hair loss is mild or moderate, these can be prescribed but require a Sons consultation.