As a business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. From managing employees to keeping customers happy, it’s easy to overlook the ground beneath your feet – literally. But your property’s asphalt surfaces deserve attention, too. Maintaining safe asphalt areas is crucial for your business’s success and safety, whether it’s your parking lot, driveway, or loading zone.

We’ve seen our fair share of asphalt issues. That’s why we’ve put together these 11 essential safety tips to help you keep your property in top shape. So, grab a cuppa and let’s dive in!

1: Regular Inspections: Your New Best Friend

Think of your asphalt like your car—it needs regular check-ups to stay in good shape. Make it a habit to walk your property at least once a month, looking for cracks, potholes, or any signs of wear and tear. It might seem like a pain, but trust us, catching problems early can save you a bundle in the long run.

Pro tip: After a heavy rain, stroll around your property. Water pooling in certain areas could indicate drainage issues that need addressing.

2: Seal the Deal with Sealcoating

Imagine seal coating as sunscreen for your asphalt. It protects against the harsh Aussie sun, oil spills, and water damage. Typically, you’ll want to seal coat every 2-3 years, but this can vary depending on your property’s specific needs.

Don’t worry; you don’t have to tackle this job yourself. Commercial asphalt contractors can handle the heavy lifting, ensuring your surface gets the protection it needs.

3: Crack Down on Cracks

See a crack? Don’t slack! Even small cracks can quickly turn into big problems if left unchecked. Water can seep in, freeze, expand, and before you know it, you have a pothole.

Keep some crack filler on hand for minor issues, but call in the professionals for larger cracks or if you’re unsure.

4: Light It Up

Good lighting isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s a crucial safety feature. Ensure your parking lots and walkways are well-lit, especially during shorter winter days. This helps prevent trips and falls and can deter unwanted after-hours visitors.

Consider energy-efficient LED lights to keep your electricity bills in check while brightening your property.

5: Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

Clear signage is your silent safety guard. Use signs to direct traffic flow, mark pedestrian crossings, and highlight potential hazards. Remember, not all your visitors will be familiar with your property layout, so make it easy for them to navigate safely.

6: Keep It Clean

Regular cleaning isn’t just about looking good (although that’s a nice bonus). It’s about safety, too. Oil spills, debris, and loose gravel can all pose slip and trip hazards. Invest in regular sweeping and consider pressure washing a few times yearly to keep your asphalt in tip-top shape.

7: Mind the Gap: Addressing Potholes

Potholes are like uninvited guests – they show up unexpectedly and cause nothing but trouble. If you spot a pothole, don’t wait to address it. These pesky craters can damage vehicles, cause injuries, and are a lawsuit waiting to happen.

You can use a cold patch as a temporary fix for small potholes. But it’s best to bring in the experts for a proper repair for anything substantial.

8: Drain the Rain

Water is asphalt’s worst enemy. Ensure your property has proper drainage to prevent water from pooling on your asphalt surfaces. This might mean installing or maintaining storm drains, adjusting the slope of your surfaces, or addressing low spots where water tends to collect.

9: Winter Woes: Prepare for the Cold

While we don’t get extreme winters on the Central Coast, it’s still important to be prepared for colder weather. Avoid using metal shovels or ploughs on your asphalt, as they can cause damage. Instead, opt for rubber-tipped equipment.

When it comes to de-icing, choose your products carefully. Some can be harsh on asphalt. Sand or kitty litter can be good alternatives for providing traction on slippery surfaces.

10: Heavy Load Alert

If your business involves heavy vehicles or equipment, pay extra attention to the areas where these are used frequently. Reinforce loading zones and high-traffic areas to prevent premature wear and tear. Consider using concrete in these areas for added durability.

11: Plan for the Future

Last but not least, have a long-term maintenance plan. This might seem overkill, but it can save you headaches (and dollars). Budget for regular maintenance and set aside funds for larger repairs or replacements when needed.

Remember, your asphalt is an investment in your property. Treating it right will pay off in the long run, both in terms of safety and your bottom line.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it – 11 tips to keep your asphalt safe and sound. It might seem like a lot to remember, but with routine care and attention, you’ll be amazed at how long your asphalt can last.

At Whitleah Asphalt, we’re passionate about helping Central Coast businesses maintain safe, durable asphalt surfaces. Whether you need advice, maintenance, or repairs, we’re here to help. After all, your success is our success!

So, take these tips to heart, give your asphalt the TLC it deserves, and watch your property shine. Your customers, employees, and wallet will thank you for it. Here’s to smooth sailing (and driving) for your business!