The decision to become a surrogate is an incredibly generous act that involves carrying a pregnancy for another person or couple who are unable to conceive. In the United States, surrogate motherhood has seen an increase in demand, thanks to advancements in medical technology and a broader understanding of surrogacy as a legitimate option for family building. Understanding the qualifications to be a surrogate is essential if you consider this rewarding opportunity. This article explores the essential requirements for becoming a surrogate in the USA, current trends in surrogacy, and provides insights into financial aspects such as compensation, including whether do surrogates get paid if they miscarry.

Pregnant woman cradling her belly

Qualifications to Be a Surrogate

Potential surrogates must meet strict qualifications to ensure the health and safety of both the surrogate and the baby. These qualifications are generally standardized across most states and agencies but can vary slightly depending on the agency’s specific policies and the laws of the surrogate’s home state.

1. Age Requirement

Most agencies require surrogates to be between the ages of 21 and 40. This age range is considered optimal to handle pregnancy’s physical demands with reduced complications risks.

2. Physical Health

Candidates must have previously given birth to at least one healthy child, demonstrating their ability to carry a pregnancy to term without significant complications. This history assures both the potential surrogate and the intended parents that the likelihood of pregnancy-related complications is minimized.

3. Healthy BMI

Agencies typically require a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18 and 33. A healthy BMI reduces the risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension, and other pregnancy-related health issues.

4. Lifestyle Check

Surrogates must lead a healthy lifestyle. This includes being a non-smoker, free from any illicit drug use, and generally maintaining a stable environment. The absence of these risk factors promotes a healthy pregnancy.

5. Mental and Emotional Health

Mental and emotional stability is crucial for a surrogate. This is often verified through psychological screening and counseling sessions to ensure the surrogate can handle the emotional complexities of carrying a child for someone else.

6. No Complications in Previous Pregnancies

The surrogate’s medical history should be free of significant complications during previous pregnancies and deliveries. This requirement is crucial to ensure that future surrogacy pregnancies are likely to proceed smoothly.

The surrogate must be a legal resident of the United States and reside in a state where surrogacy is legally supported. This ensures that the legal process involved in surrogacy, including the transfer of parental rights, can be conducted without legal issues.

Surrogacy has been growing in popularity in the USA. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1.9% of all infants born in the U.S. every year are conceived through assisted reproductive technology, including surrogacy. The surrogacy market is projected to continue growing as societal norms evolve and technology improves, making the processes safer and more efficient.

The demographics of those seeking surrogacy have also expanded, with an increasing number of same-sex couples, single parents, and older individuals looking to start or grow their families through surrogacy.

Compensation and Financial Aspects

One common question is: “Do surrogates get paid if they miscarry?” Compensation structures vary by agency, but most include a base compensation for the surrogate, along with additional payments for medical procedures and pregnancy milestones. In the event of a miscarriage, whether a surrogate is compensated depends on the agency’s policy and the specific terms of the surrogacy agreement. Generally, surrogates receive prorated compensation based on the duration of the pregnancy.

Choosing the Right Surrogacy Agency

Choosing the right agency is crucial for a positive and successful surrogacy journey. Made In The USA Surrogacy, located in California, is a reputable agency known for its comprehensive support and commitment to the ethical treatment of surrogates and intended parents. They offer:

  • Extensive screening and matching processes.
  • Transparent compensation packages.
  • Full legal and medical support throughout the surrogacy journey.


Becoming a surrogate involves meeting rigorous qualifications to ensure the safety and success of the pregnancy. For those interested in this life-changing journey, it is important to partner with a reputable and supportive agency. Made In The USA Surrogacy offers an exceptional program for surrogates, providing all necessary support and resources. For anyone looking to learn more about becoming a surrogate or the surrogacy process, visit Made In The USA Surrogacy to find detailed information and expert guidance.