One of your most critical responsibilities as a parent is to protect your children at all times. This is particularly true for online risk management and cybersecurity.

Although you cannot ward off all threats, there are seven strategies to educate children about online privacy and safety. 

1. Engage in Open Discussions about Online Risks and Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the biggest issues these days, with statistics showing that cybercrimes are made every 39 seconds. Aside from understanding how to stay safe and protected online, people should also learn how to recognize if they are already being taken advantage of. 

As a parent, you have to ensure that your children are familiar with cybersecurity. They should also be open to discussions about internet dangers and how to deal with them. 

Don’t hesitate to have these conversations and ask questions if you must. On the other hand, you should also let your children ask questions as many as they want. Use these talks as a chance to learn together. 

2. Educate Kids about Online Threats and Dangers

Cybersecurity is a broad term that can protect devices from things that can jeopardize their data or safety. The best and easiest way to do it is to create and maintain strong passwords to ensure that other people won’t gain access to devices at all costs. 

Online risk management, on the other hand, involves managing an online presence. To do this, it is important to develop good habits such as avoiding sexting and shady websites and implementing two-factor authentication for online accounts whenever possible. 

3. Implement the “Think Before You Click” Mindset

Teach children to always think before they open attachments or click on links. Tell them to consult you first before they open a suspicious-looking website. If you’re also in doubt, avoid opening it. 

A lot of web pages today are designed to resemble legitimate websites that children can trust. However, they may pose some danger. 

Some websites, for instance, use images of popular characters to trick kids into visiting. They may then try to get the kids to enter personal data or download software that criminals will use for identity theft. 

Instruct your kids not to click questionable links they see on Facebook and other social media platforms unless you’re there to check them first. Clearly explain everything to them so that they will also understand what’s happening. 

4. Monitor Apps, Online Fads, and Internet Trends

Another way to educate your kids about online safety and privacy is to keep a close eye on the newest apps, trends, and online apps. With the increased exposure to technology and the rise of social media, it’s imperative to sit down with your child and talk about their online activities. 

You might also want to check their social media profiles often to ensure that they’re not engaging with anything risky. Too much exposure to unhealthy habits such as smoking should be addressed right away.

5. Emphasize the Importance of Password Protection

The first line of defense from cyber threats is password protection. Choose a complex and long password for your child that is hard to guess. Use a random sense of symbols, numbers, and letters when creating a password for your child. Doing so will prevent others from gaining access to their social media profiles and devices. 

You can also use two-factor authentication that can help add an extra security layer every time your child logs into their online accounts and profiles. Teach them to avoid sharing their passwords when playing online games with friends as this can compromise the security of their accounts. 

6. Highlight the Essence of Privacy Management

Make sure your kids are aware of their personal information and the importance of privacy management. Personal data can include things that can identify and identify you including your name, driver’s license number, and social security number. Kids must understand that sharing these details with other people can make them prone to identity theft or fraud. 

Teach your children the importance of managing their online privacy so they know which details can be safely shared with others online. This will help prevent data breaches and cyber fraud. 

7. Teach Kids That Always Connected Isn’t a Good Thing All the Time

The phrase always connected refers to a computer setting that lets you stay connected online at all times. While this can be good, it also has its risks. This is because it leaves your device susceptible to hacking. Hackers can get their hands on your private data such as your bank account numbers and passwords. They may even cause irreparable damage to your device. 

To keep yourself safe from such attacks, disable the feature in the settings menu to ensure that your device is not always connected online. 

It’s also important to know that this always-connected setting makes your location easy to track, allowing other people to follow you while you’re browsing online. It can be more dangerous when using unsecured public WiFi connections. 

Wrapping It Up

Strategies including engaging in open discussions about online risks and cybersecurity to teaching kids the downsides of being always connected can help parents teach their kids about online safety and privacy. Make sure you implement these strategies to keep your children secure and protected as they navigate the vast online world