Years ago, classroom sessions were rarely collaborative. Students simply sat in rows and took down notes from a whiteboard. Most of us who grew up before the digital age will agree those classroom settings were not very fun or engaging. 

Well, those days are long gone. Today’s teaching sessions incorporate digital aids like interactive projectors. With these devices, teachers can create immersive learning experiences for students where every individual is an active participant in the teaching process. 

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

To put it simply, teenagers in the digital age aren’t going through the tedious processes of writing lengthy notes and memorizing complex terms. On the contrary, they’re going on virtual tours to historical landmarks and playing educational games between lessons. 

Devices like a BEAM interactive projector make these engaging teaching sessions possible. In this article, we dive into five ways interactive projectors create learning experiences that benefit every participant in the classroom. 

  1. Foster Collaborative Learning

If there’s anything we can all agree on, it’s that learning is much more fun when everyone in a classroom can participate. No one enjoys a dull lecture, especially when all you have to do is sit still for hours listening to unfamiliar concepts. 

Fortunately, today’s classes are more collaborative, as students can actively participate in the teaching process thanks to tools like an interactive floor projector

With this device in your classroom, you can display lessons on any surface and invite up to five students to draw or inscribe on the presentation.

Imagine a biology lesson where numerous teenagers circle and label the different parts of a plant species. That’s definitely more fun and memorable than having to learn these concepts from a lengthy textbook. 

Amazingly, there’s data to support this type of collaborative learning. Recent studies have shown that active learning methods guarantee better academic performance among students than traditional strategies. 

  1. Versatile Teaching Mediums 

Textbooks have been the standard teaching aid for decades. However, in the digital age, there’s no need for a 1000-page learning material in a classroom. 

Interactive projectors give teachers the option to go beyond textbooks and use different media formats to explain subjects to students. Videos, infographics, presentations, and pictures projected on a screen are far more engaging ways to simplify lessons. 

Plus, many interactive projectors come with document cameras that allow you to project real-time models of objects. So, rather than abstract explanations of ideas, you can bring your lessons to life and give students a more tangible understanding of concepts. 

  1. Go on Virtual Field Trips 

Everyone loves field trips. They’re an excellent way to experience the awesome historical and cultural wonders of our world. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible for schools to organize these excursions. 

However, who says you need to leave your classroom to visit a museum or an art gallery? With an interactive projector, you can take your students on an immersive trip across several archeological landmarks. Teenagers in your classroom can even interact with the motion pictures from the projector using drawings and notes. 

The best part is these virtual excursions offer many cost and time-saving benefits compared to traditional field trips. 

  1. Share Lesson Content 

Most teenagers will agree that note-taking is one of the least favorite aspects of attending classes. It also doesn’t help that students have to take notes and listen to lectures simultaneously. 

Considering how difficult it is to multitask, why not save your students from this burden? By incorporating an interactive projector into your teaching sessions, you can send digital lesson notes to student devices at the end of each lesson. 

Since teenagers know they’ll have access to your notes later in the day, they can spend more time focusing on your explanations.  

  1. Incorporate Games into Lessons 

Lengthy teaching sessions can be boring, especially for younger children with shorter attention spans. If you’ve handled a classroom full of teens, you’ve probably wondered how you can make lessons more fun and engaging. 

Well, an interactive projector might just be the tool you need. With this device, you can split lessons into sections, with breaks featuring educational games displayed from the projector to capture the attention of your class. 

You can even take things further and reward students for assignments and projects with some exciting playtime. 


Teaching and learning methods have evolved thanks to digital technology. We’ve moved on from lengthy lectures in a rigid setting to classroom sessions that involve virtual tours and playtime. 

Interactive projectors are the innovations powering these immersive learning experiences. By leveraging these tools to create a more engaged and collaborative classroom, your students will reflect your tutoring efforts with better academic performances.