If you’re busy with family, work, and other things, enrolling in a program and traveling to a college campus for courses several days a week might not be an option. 

But the good news is there are other options. Distance learning is one of them. Through online learning, you can find academic programs you can work into your existing schedule rather than work your existing schedule into your school commitments.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, around 7.5 million students enrolled in online courses at public colleges in 2022. A further 2.6 million remote students attended private schools, added the source. You can bet that some of these online learners are people from all walks of life including — but not limited to — working moms with plenty on their plates.

Here are five reasons to consider enrolling in online or distance learning courses.

1. You Don’t Have to Quit You Day Job

When you do online learning, you won’t have to quit your day job or take a sabbatical. You can arrange your online learning around your other responsibilities. If school means having to physically travel to a college campus, you might have to choose between continuing your education and keeping your job. But you can do both if you choose online learning.

If you work nights, you can get some sleep and do coursework late in the morning, early in the afternoon, or whatever time makes sense. Whether you want to learn something new or grow your skills in your current field through live online CEUs, distance learning can be the perfect option to accomplish your academic goals while still bringing in a pay check.

2. You Don’t Have to Relocate

Online learning is also a great way to “attend” a reputable institution of higher learning without having to pack up and live on campus. You can attend remotely through distance learning. Many schools offer remote learning options to their students, so there won’t be a lack of options.

3. You Can Be There for Those Who Mean the Most to You

Is it even possible to achieve a good work-life balance? Distance learning can make accomplishing that objective easier. If you have young kids who need you present, spending time at work during the day and at a college campus during the evening can be hard on them. But with distance learning, you can set a schedule that makes the most sense for your family. 

The flexibility online learning affords means you pursue your studies at night after your kids go to bed. 

4. You Can Study in a Way That Makes Sense to You

Let’s face it. Not everyone likes being confined within the four walls of a classroom. If you learn better in a less structured environment, distance learning might be attractive. Whether at your kitchen table, a desk in your bedroom, or out on the back deck when the weather’s nice, you can take whatever courses are required through online learning. 

5. You Can Take Your Work With You (When It Makes Sense)

While vacation time should be vacation time, there may be instances when you need to do some work on a trip. If you’re going on a road trip but need to keep up with coursework, you can do so remotely. You won’t be tethered to a specific college campus, which ensures flexibility.

For these and other reasons, distance learning can be a great option if you can’t just press the pause button on life’s other responsibilities. As long as you’re disciplined about classwork and classes, online learning can be a great way to learn new skills, get a degree, or advance within your chosen field.