Exterior doors Markham together with other home aspects such windows, painting, and roofing design reflect the exterior of your home. Poorly done front doors will send a wrong message about the interior of your home to both visitors and buyers. 

To ensure that your exterior doors are aesthetically appealing, it is important to choose the right doors for your home. Here is a complete checklist for selecting your exterior doors Markham

  1. Durability And Functionality 

When you are looking for exterior doors Markham for your home, you must consider the durability of the doors. Front door replacement is an expensive project and thus durability of doors should be considered to give value for money. 

It will be a waste of resources and time to invest in doors that will warp, rot, or bend after a few years. As a result, it is important to understand that entry doors Markham are made from different materials that determine their durability.

In terms durability, fiberglass doors are stronger and more durable compared to other types of doors. Wood doors are less durable because they are prone to rot, cracks, and drafts.

On the contrary, if you are looking for traditional and historic homes, you might consider wood doors. 

1. Maintenance Cost 

    In addition to the initial cost of front doors, another critical checklist is maintenance cost. Depending on the material, different types of doors have varying maintenance costs. 

    After the replacement of your doors, regular maintenance is necessary to ensure that doors remain in good condition and do not damage fast. Fiberglass doors are known to have low maintenance costs despite their expensive initial cost of installation. 

    The material used to make fiberglass doors is strong, durable, and requires minimal painting making it low maintenance. They are resistant to cracks, warping, rot and rust making them low maintenance. 

    On the other hand, steel doors are weather-resistant and strong making them durable. However, unlike fiberglass doors, steel doors have a high maintenance cost as they require regular paint and cleaning to rust and dents that may make the doors appear old. 

    Wood doors have relatively high maintenance costs compared to both metal and fiberglass doors because they are less durable and prone to rot, warping, cracks, and dust. 

    2. Energy Efficient 

      Modern buyers and homeowners are more concerned about the energy efficiency of a home. Power bills can be costly if a home lacks energy-efficient doors.

      Your choice of a front door will be influenced by the amount you are willing to pay for power bills. For homeowners who want to minimize power bills, they will go for front doors that are energy-efficient.

      Fiberglass doors are the best in energy efficiency as they have excellent insulation that helps regulate heat and cold in the house hence saving on energy consumption. Also, steel doors are energy efficient as they come with a weather stripping design that helps block heat and cold entering and leaving the house. 

      Wood doors are considered to be less energy-efficient because of their vulnerability to cracks, rot, and gaps allowing free flow of air in and out of the house. 

      3. Front Door Color Choice 

        Regardless of the type of front door you choose, it can be meaningless if you choose the wrong color of your door. The color you choose for your exterior doors will complement or contrast the overall theme of your home. 

        Some colors are known to increase the value of your home. Regardless of the city or state you live in dark and charcoal grey doors will increase the value of your home. 

        The choice of your front doors color should be kept simple and welcoming. A combination of many bright colors may make your house less attractive.

        Overall, when looking for exterior doors installation, a combination of factors will determine your choice of door. You are more likely to choose a front door that meets your preferences if you consider all the checklist points.  

        If you consider a single aspect such as color when choosing a replacement door, you may end up choosing the wrong door as a number of factors have to count. Not all factors should count but it is imperative to ensure you consider as many as possible.