A more natural approach to health has been at the forefront of most conversations regarding treating chronic illness and everyday well-being. Intermittent fasting has been one of those approaches, and for good reason. 

Intermittent fasting focuses on our diet and regenerating our cells from the inside out. In turn, one of the effects is a higher blood sugar level. This is often why some providers recommend this approach to diabetes. Let’s talk about why. 

What Is Intermittent Fasting? 

Intermittent fasting is slightly flexible in the way that it is done. However, the fundamentals and foundation remain the same regardless of which avenue you take. Intermittent fasting means abstaining from food during specific time periods. It also means eating during the time you are not fasting. 

One of the more popular methods is called the 16/8. This means the individual will abstain from food for 16 hours and eat during an eight-hour window. The other option is the 5:2 method, which is about eating normally for five days and restricting calories for two days. These are different fasting strategies for autophagy

Ultimately, whatever approach you take, the idea is to throw our body in the ultimate health state and produce new blood cells that are stronger and help us fight illness and disease. 

Tips To Help Balance Blood Sugar

When it comes to intermittent fasting, it’s best to use the 16/8 method. It will have a direct impact on your blood sugar daily. Having said that, there are a few more things to keep in mind when intermittent fasting. 

Keep Hydrating

Fasting already can lead to a lack of hydration as some foods carry a high water percentage. Dehydration can lead to digestive issues, which would inhibit the intermittent fasting process. Not being able to digest food properly can lead to lows in our blood sugar levels

On top of that, staying hydrated can help curb the hunger cravings that you might get when first trying out fasting. Giving in to cravings can lead to unwanted spikes. 

Stay Consistent

Intermittent fasting can take some time to adjust and get used to. Being inconsistent can cause this process to be delayed and lead to unwanted side effects like dizziness, nausea, and other symptoms. Our bodies adapt to consistency and understand the occurrences when knowing what to expect for food and sleep.

Consistency refers to both the amount of days you are intermittent fasting but also the window in which you choose to eat. As mentioned, the 16/8 daily method typically is a better approach for blood sugar control. 

Many who use this intermittent fasting style choose a window such as 10 AM to 6 PM because it allows for “normal” eating windows for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

Fiber Is Helpful 

Fiber is a powerful food source that can make a positive impact on our blood sugar levels. This is because when our body digests fiber, it slows down the process of digesting simple carbohydrates. Simple carbs lead to increased blood sugar and spikes. 

Healthy fiber sources include vegetables, legumes, and beans, as well as whole grains. This releases a slow and steady release of glucose throughout its digestion. Ultimately that leads to sustained energy levels throughout the day and no serious dips. 

Continue to Exercise

Exercise has a direct impact on our blood sugar levels and how we process our food. When we exercise, we pull from our energy bank or food storage, which can lead to lowering blood sugar levels. This is why often those who feel like their blood sugar is high will go for a walk, or when low, they will eat a snack. 

Consistently exercising paired with hydration and eating the right foods can help ease the process of intermittent fasting. When they all work together, ultimately, the body starts to become stronger and regenerate cells from the inside. 

Limit Processed Foods

Limiting processed foods and refined sugar is important. Many think because they are intermittent fasting that it means they can eat whatever they want. The process is less about dieting and more about eating healthy and wholesome foods at the right time. Cutting back on refined sugars will lead to fewer spikes in blood sugar control. 

Consulting a Professional

While research supports engaging with practices like intermittent fasting, it is important for any individual to consult their healthcare professional first. This is especially true for anyone who may have trouble with their blood sugar levels in the first place. The reason behind this is that our bodies are unique, and while some methods may work for the vast majority, it’s not always a guarantee

Intermittent fasting, when done right, has serious benefits. But weighing the drawbacks when mismanaged is important. This is something a healthcare provider can go over when finding the right diet and approach for an individual, especially because adding supplements to the routine is a very common occurrence. However, the best part is that getting started isn’t a long process. Once discussed, you can start right away!