With breathtaking views and adventures around every wave, the sea offers endless opportunities for making memories. However, our oceans face major threats from pollution, climate change, and unsustainable practices.

The fashion choices we make, even while at sea, can positively or negatively impact marine ecosystems. Choosing eco-friendly offshore clothing, such as SPF long-sleeve shirts and UV long-sleeve shirts, allows us to maintain a stylish look while contributing to sea protection.

This article will highlight key considerations for sustainable sea style and offer practical tips to reduce your fashion footprint. We’ll also dive into frequently asked questions to help you make informed decisions. Continue reading to discover how making small changes to your offshore wardrobe, including UV protection long-sleeved shirts, can benefit the big blue.

Key Considerations for Eco-Friendly Offshore Clothes

Sustainable Materials Are Essential

Organic cotton: Cotton is one of the most common textiles used in offshore clothing and long-sleeve fishing shirts, but conventional cotton uses vast amounts of water and pesticides that pollute waterways.

Recycled polyester: Made from discarded plastic bottles and fabrics, recycled polyester decreases energy use by 32% compared to virgin polyester (TextileExchange). Look for rPET or rPOLY labels from the best brands that feature recycled polyester offshore clothing and accessories.

Hemp: Naturally antimicrobial, breathable, and moisture-wicking, hemp is a highly sustainable alternative to cotton for offshore clothing, using less water and no pesticides to grow. Hemp-based clothing can have a natural, bohemian vibe perfect for days on the boat. 

Natural fibers: Fibers like linen, silk, wool, and Tencel are biodegradable, renewable, and gentler on sensitive skin while keeping you comfortable at sea wearing SPF long-sleeve shirts.

Ethical Production Processes Matter 

Fast fashion accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions (UN Environment). Opting for brands that use ethical and sustainable manufacturing practices helps diminish the industry’s massive carbon footprint. Seek out trusted third-party certifications like Fair Trade, Bluesign, or GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) when researching brands to confirm environmental and/or social responsibility claims. 

Transparent companies focused on social good and environmental stewardship are easier to find today, with mission-driven brands seeing 35% greater customer loyalty compared to conventional retailers (Fashion Revolution): support apparel makers that ensure safe, ethical working conditions and sustainable materials sourcing.

Versatility Reduces Waste

Americans discard over 14 million tons of barely worn clothing annually (EPA), with the average garment worn just 7 times before being discarded. Embracing a versatile, multi-use wardrobe decreases purchased items by up to 70% for the average consumer. For sea travelers and adventurers, packing clothing that effortlessly transitions from boat to bar or trail to town cuts luggage weight and volume by 50%. This saves money on boarding fees and baggage charges. Choosing versatile, multifunctional pieces made from durable fabrics reduces waste, saves space, and eliminates the need for excess.

Practical Tips for a Sustainable Sea-Style

Making eco-conscious choices extends beyond materials and production methods. Our usage habits also play a crucial role in driving sustainability. Follow these practical tips to maximize your impact.

Pack Light 

The fashion industry churns out over 150 billion garments yearly, creating massive textile waste. Avoid overpacking by strategically creating mix-and-match outfits from versatile pieces that can work for various occasions, settings, and activities. With the average household wardrobe containing 30% unworn items over one year, traveling light and packing selectively helps reduce waste and excess. Plus, lightweight, multi-use clothing can save up to 30% on costly luggage boarding and baggage fees when flying or cruising.

Repair and Care

Studies show extending the usable lifetime of clothing by just nine months significantly reduces environmental footprints. Instead of prematurely disposing of clothes at the first signs of wear, proactively mend, patch, or stitch up commonly damaged areas to extend their usefulness. Learn basic sewing techniques for repairing small holes, replacing buttons, patching jeans, or reinforcing garment stress points prone to tearing. Also, wash clothes less frequently in cold water using eco-friendly laundry detergents to decrease energy consumption by 40%. Let clothes air dry to eliminate machine drying.

Buy Second-Hand 

The second-hand clothing market is booming, expected to reach a valuation of $64 billion globally by 2024. Investing in high-quality pre-owned and vintage pieces breathes new life into clothing that’s already in circulation. Second-hand garments reduce carbon emissions by 76% on average compared to newly produced items. Shopping vintage and used also cuts water usage during manufacturing by 3,781 liters per garment on average versus energy-intensive production of new clothes.


Eco-friendly materials, ethical production, versatility, packing lightly, repair and care, and buying second-hand—these are critical considerations for sustainable sea style. With growing awareness and access to conscious brands, we can look stylish on the seas while also preserving treasured marine environments. Our clothing choices make a difference. By opting for offshore apparel with a minimal footprint, we collectively steer the industry toward protecting our blue planet.

When you shop for your next offshore adventure, seek sustainable fabrics and transparent brands. Pack selectively, care diligently, and reuse creatively. Encourage others to consume mindfully. Your values and actions help shape a fashion future that is kinder to the oceans we cherish. Grab your eco-friendly maritime wear and set sail sustainably!


  1. Can eco-friendly clothing be both stylish and functional?

Absolutely! Many misperceive sustainability as limiting, but eco-conscious brands offer on-trend, high-performing designs perfect for offshore activities. Patagonia, Finisterre, and Marine Layer demonstrate social and environmental responsibility need not compromise style or function.

  1. Are sustainable clothes more expensive?

Sometimes, yes; however, costs are decreasing as methods scale, and consumers are selectively purchasing well-made, versatile items. Seek organic cotton, recycled polyester, and natural dyes, and prioritize ethical brands. Buying second-hand also provides stylish savings. 

  1. How can I ensure my choices positively impact the environment?

Thoroughly research brands and support those with transparent and ethical practices. Look for certifications that confirm their sustainability claims. Reduce purchases, care for clothes diligently, and recycle or reuse whenever possible. Our thoughtful actions add up, driving change through consumer influence.