We all want to do our part for the environment. Whether we eat fewer animal products, reduce our waste, or are mindful of how much we travel, small choices can make quite a difference when it comes to our individual carbon footprint. 

As care for the environment becomes increasingly important, we want to not only keep up our own efforts to live sustainably, but also teach our children to do so. Learning about sustainability can be fun, interactive, and give children the necessary tools to care for the planet. 

Here are some simple ways in which you can teach your children how to live a green lifestyle: 

  1. Encourage them to make sustainable choices

We know that consumerism has a huge impact on the environment. To lessen your family’s carbon emissions, you can help your children make informed choices about their consumption habits. 

You can start by encouraging your kids to avoid overconsumption. Help them consider their wants and needs and think together of how they can make environmentally-conscious choices. You can also encourage them to choose products with minimal packaging, or choose items that are locally-produced. This way, children can play a role in keeping your family’s waste minimal and learn about the importance of supporting their community by opting for local products. 

  1. Bring your ideas to their schools 

Your children will learn a great deal from you, but since they spend so much time in school it is important that what they hear about sustainability at home is consistent with what they learn elsewhere. 

As a parent, you can be proactive in bringing your ideas about sustainability in conversation with your children’s school. You can think together with teachers about how to integrate sustainability concepts into school curricula and encourage eco-friendly practices in the classroom. For instance, you can think about how to make recycling, composting, and energy conservation a part of your children’s time at school. 

  1. Nurture a connection with nature 

Fostering your children’s love for nature might be one of the most important parts of teaching them about sustainability. When they feel connected to something, children will have an easier time understanding its importance and they will be motivated to do their part for the environment. 

You can help your children become connected with nature by exploring the outdoors together. Teach your little ones to see the beauty in nature. Taking a hike, going camping, or even just noticing which plants grow in your area are all great ways to make your children more aware and in awe of the natural world around them. 

  1. Make learning engaging 

Especially at a young age, teaching your children something will be most effective when you make information fun and engaging. Learning by doing is a great way to get your kids to appreciate their role in the state of the environment. 

What you can do is incorporate sustainability into everyday activities, such as planting a vegetable garden, composting food scraps, or participating in community cleanup drives. These experiences make sustainability tangible and relatable to your children, which fosters a sense of responsibility and connection to nature.

  1. Be an example 

In many cases, actions speak louder than words. This is especially true when educating our children. That is why demonstrating sustainable practices in your everyday life sets a powerful example for children to follow. Simple actions like recycling or using reusable items can have a significant impact on their understanding of sustainability. 

Another great way to set an example is by showing your kids that your household is environmentally-friendly. If you have solar panels, explain why they are a great way to generate green energy. Or tell them how your home is warmed up in winter. These things all play a huge role in the carbon emissions of our homes. 

In this sense, you can also make mindful adjustments to your house and explain to your children why you are making them. For instance, you might want to upgrade your boiler to be more energy-efficient so that you burn less fuel. Of course, a change like this can be quite costly. To get a better idea of the price ranges, you can click here to find out how much a new boiler will cost you. Even though the initial expense may be significant, in the long run your investment will make your home more sustainable, which is something you can explain to your children. 


There are several great ways to help your little ones learn about leading a sustainable lifestyle. The key is to make their learning experiences interactive and to let them take ownership of their environmentally-conscious choices. This way, you are helping them create a strong connection to nature and prepare them to become adults who are extremely mindful of their impact on the planet.