You want only the best for your kids. Most parents want that, and there’s nothing wrong with it. But, in doing so, sometimes the children feel pressured to perform. Throughout history, schools have served as nurturing grounds for cultivating human potential. The yardstick for measuring this potential has invariably been the ubiquitous “Report Card,” which has the power to label you as either a victor or a casualty in the relentless competition for intellectual supremacy.

Thankfully, our understanding of individual learning patterns has evolved over time. Nevertheless, there remains much work to be done, particularly in catering to the children with Learning Disabilities. But how can there be progress in teaching methods when many do not recognize learning disabilities? Parents often ignore signs of learning disabilities among their children. They think the children are lazy and do not want to study. Gillen Brewer School has special education that such children can take advantage of.
A learning disability is defined as a neurological condition that impacts the brain’s size to send, receive, and development information. Children with learning disabilities may encounter challenges in various areas, including reading, writing, speaking, listening, understanding mathematical concepts, and overall comprehension.
Contemporary educational psychology has progressed to identify five specific learning disabilities that educators and professionals should be vigilant about in the classroom.
Dyslexia is a common learning disability characterized by impaired language processing abilities, which can significantly impact a person’s reading, writing, and comprehension skills. Individuals with dyslexia often struggle with decoding words and identifying individual sounds within words. These difficulties can lead to poor academic performance in areas related to reading and writing. Early intervention and specialized support can greatly benefit individuals with dyslexia in improving their literacy skills.
Dysgraphia is when a kid’s handwriting or schoolwork gets called out for being messy or hard to read. Do you see those kids whose handwriting is illegible? They seem to write b in place of d and p. They mix up the letters and have awful writing. They even have trouble putting their thoughts down on paper or drawing things. They can’t space out their letters, so their letters are all squished together, and they keep erasing stuff because it’s tough for them to think and write at the same time.
Dyscalculia is a disorder that makes it tricky for children to count. It is a math challenge that they find hard to face. It can make things like telling time, counting, and doing math problems tricky. These kids might struggle with arranging numbers in the right order or figuring out basic math concepts that seem simple to others.
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) can make it hard to tell different sounds apart and understand them clearly. For instance, when the teacher is talking and there’s noise in the hallway, kids with APD might have trouble distinguishing the two sounds. So, sometimes, they don’t answer the teacher’s question or ask for it to be repeated, which can make it seem like they’re being disobedient.
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities make it hard for one to understand the unspoken language of gestures, expressions, and tones. Wouldn’t it be very hard for you to communicate if you could not understand people’s gestures? These kids often find it tough to grasp body language, facial cues, or non-verbal communication.
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