If you’re feeling low on energy, remember you aren’t alone. 3 out of 5 Americans report feeling exhausted and out of energy more than ever. This can affect your mood, productivity, and your overall well-being. It explains why more people are turning to different ways to replenish lost energy or boost it to desired levels. This discussion highlights some key tips to boost your energy levels if they drop continually.

  1. Prioritize quality sleep

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The human body is created to perform certain functions only at rest during sleep. Some functions include cell renewal, tissue repairs, memory storage, and so on. These are critical processes your body requires to be healthy and perform optimally. Unfortunately, many people fail to get the required hours of sleep regularly. Admittedly, it is not entirely your fault because life’s pressures often come in the way. Health professionals say 7 – 9 hours of sleep is needed each night to complete these critical processes. Your body is a complex maze of processes and functions, and it’s necessary to understand how it operates. Certain bodily processes dominate your waking hours, while others are triggered only during sleep. That should give you an idea of what you’re missing health-wise if you constantly lack quality sleep. One way to counteract the habit of poor sleep is to understand that consistency syncs with your body’s natural rhythm. That means going to bed at the same time every night triggers your body to commence the relaxation process, giving way to quality sleep. You will likely wake up feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to go through the day.

  1. Stay hydrated and stick with balanced meals

The adult male’s body comprises 60% water, while it ranges between 50-55% for women. Water makes up a large percentage of the human body, confirming that it is crucial to sustenance and good health. That is why humans can go without food for longer periods, but it’s not the same with water. Dehydration can cause rapidly decreasing alertness, leading to fatigue and diminished energy levels. That’s why health professionals recommend aiming for at least eight-ounce glasses of water daily to keep your body properly hydrated. This will, however, differ depending on your climate and activity levels.

Food is energy for the body and crucial to vital body functions. Everything you consume is broken down into glucose, further distributed into the bloodstream, liver, muscles, and brain. Food also contains essential nutrients and antioxidants to fuel your body while eliminating toxins. The sequence of actions from chewing, swallowing, and digestion aims towards releasing energy for the body to keep you strong. That explains the need to lay off constantly eating unhealthy foods, as they don’t do much for your body except increase sugar and harmful fat. Combining regular hydration with balanced meals becomes the perfect springboard for improved energy levels.

  1. Manage stress with relaxation techniques

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Stress is considered harmful due to its long-term effects when left unmanaged. People experiencing chronic stress often struggle with impacted mental, emotional, and physical health. Stress also drains your energy levels, and there is a scientific explanation. Stress hormones, cortisol, and adrenaline make immense use of glucose in your body, and here’s how that happens. First, cortisol stimulates the body to increase glucose levels in the bloodstream. This function enhances muscle and brain functions for the flight or fight mode. Adrenaline, on the other hand, is the catalyst for more glucose use in the muscle. Remember that these two stress hormones rely on your body’s glucose reserves, so you can only imagine what happens with chronic stress sets in. The result is a constant state of low energy levels because your body is not meant to keep these stress hormones in the long term. Thankfully, stress relaxation techniques like deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation can work wonders. It would help to consider enrolling in a mind body coaching program as part of your stress relaxation measures. Consistently doing this can boost your energy levels.

  1. Prioritize your mental and emotional health

People with mental health problems often complain about depleted energy levels. When the body is under immense mental and emotional pressure, fatigue sets in rapidly. If left unmanaged, it can escalate into depression, panic attacks, and other mental health disorders. First, know your triggers as a proactive measure to detect them early. For example, do you take your anger out on your kids when the house is messed up? Do you suddenly feel drained when everything looks out of place? Knowing that a cluttered or messed up house triggers anger will help you set measures in place. That includes walking, jogging, gardening, or anything else that calms your nerves. A mental health professional may be needed to help you prioritize your psychological and emotional health. These professionals will recommend and guide you through adopting a holistic approach to counter your triggers while boosting your energy levels. You will be surprised to learn that some mental health issues do not require prescription medication. All that may be required is a lifestyle change.

  1. Cut down on excessive caffeine consumption

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Caffeine is an energy-boosting natural element, but overconsumption can be harmful. The temporary energy boost it gives your body is why people are lured into drinking more coffee than they should in a day. Too much caffeine in your body can disrupt your natural energy cycles, leading to what is now known as a crash. This is akin to having a sugar rush and succumbing to a sugar crash after a few hours. Coffee is the first thing that comes to mind at the mention of caffeine.

However, other hidden sources of caffeine are teas, chocolates, certain medications, and beverages. So, while you may have a cup or two of your hot coffee in a day, other hidden sources inadvertently increase the levels in your body, contributing to its impact on your energy levels. Moreover, too much caffeine in the afternoon and evening can keep you awake at night, disrupting your sleep. Reducing your consumption would be good if you identify with this habit and pattern.