Have you been witnessing a large number of crickets sneaking into your home? Worried that the problem will soon escalate? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Crickets can invade properties in great numbers, wreaking havoc and leaving families feeling stressed and anxious. The good thing is that there are ways to stop their entry into your home, but you’ll need to make sure you’re using natural cricket repellent. Otherwise, they may still be able to find their way in.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s dive into our in-depth guide.

The front of a house with a green yard

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a great natural repellent for your home. Diatoms are small, microscopically sized organisms made from a hard shell material composed of silica. The diatoms are ground and processed into abrasive dust that is safe to use around your home but still capable of eliminating any cricket pests.

This repellent works by irritating the tiny creatures, breaking down their exoskeletons, and causing death. It can be sprinkled directly onto areas infested with crickets or around areas like windows and doors to prevent them from entering your home.

To ensure the best results, it is crucial to reapply the diatomaceous earth every few days when the ground is dry and free from excessive moisture.

Citrus Oils

Citrus oils are a popular repellent for homes. Lemons, limes, and oranges are all effective in deterring crickets from entering your home. These citrus oils can be spread across the home, around window frames, and beneath doors.

To get the full effect, you can boil several citrus fruits in water to make a stronger-smelling concoction. The oils will evaporate into the air like aromatherapy, driving away any crickets.

You can also use citrus oil sprays or diffusers to spread the smell throughout the house as well as any outdoor living space. By mixing citrus oils, your home can get optimal coverage from crickets, leaving you feeling comfortable and safe.

Fresh Herbs

Fresh herbs are an excellent cricket repellent for your home. Rosemary, sage, and thyme are some of the favorite herbs that drive away creepy crawlies.

Place bunches of rosemary and thyme in the corners of each room in your home, as the scent of these herbs will naturally repel crickets. It is best to add bay leaves and cloves to fabric pouches and place them in the cabinets to keep the crickets away. For best results, mix any of the mentioned herbs with garlic, onion, or hot peppers to make a more efficient repellent.

Crushed Chili Peppers

Crushed chili peppers are a popular natural cricket repellent due to their non-lethal, effective, and low-cost solution. The chili’s pungent odor affects the cricket’s olfactory senses, which act as its primary defense mechanism and cause it to move away from the area.

To maximize its effectiveness, the chili pepper can be mixed with other ingredients such as garlic, essential oils, and sugar. The resulting concoction can be put into spray bottles and sprayed around windows and doorways, especially during the night when crickets are most active.

The chili pepper can be sprinkled around the perimeter of the home for added protection. Finally, the crushed chili peppers can also be applied directly to areas of the home where crickets have been previously seen. Crushed chili peppers are an excellent choice for cricket repellents.

Molasses Cricket Trap

Molasses cricket traps are a popular and trusted cricket repellent for home use. It is a non-toxic solution that uses molasses as bait to attract and trap crickets. Once they’ve been lured into the trap, the crickets can’t get out, and the molasses ensures they are unable to escape.

This humane method of reliable pest control does not need your home to be treated with any dangerous chemicals. Furthermore, it can be used indoors and outdoors, making it a great option for protecting your home from these annoying pests.

You can also prepare the trap in minutes, and it requires no maintenance. It is a great alternative to some of the more harsh chemical repellents out on the market and is sure to give you effective and long-lasting results. 

Coffee Ground

Coffee grounds can be an effective natural pest control for crickets in your home. This is because the strong aroma of coffee can turn a cricket away from playing in your yard.

To use it, start by placing a shallow layer of coffee grounds around all entrances to your home that a cricket could use to enter. Additionally, line the perimeter of your yard with coffee grounds to keep any crickets living in the neighborhood from coming into your home.

You may need to reapply the coffee grounds now and again, as the aroma tends to dissipate as the grounds dry out. If the smell becomes too strong, just reduce the amount of ground you use. For best results, use ground coffee that contains caffeine, as this has a stronger scent than decaffeinated coffee.

Fill Small Containers With Soapy Water

One of the best natural ways to get rid of pesky crickets in your home is to fill small containers with soapy water. This creates a barrier that crickets cannot cross.

The water will not only act as a deterrent, but the soap will also coat their antennae and wings so they cannot fly. Place the containers around windows, doorways, crawl spaces, or anywhere you notice them entering your home.

Change the water weekly, and be sure to use natural, biodegradable soap to prevent any chemical pollutants from entering the environment. This is a great way to keep crickets out of your home without using harsh, dangerous chemicals.

Discover More About Natural Cricket Repellent

As you can see, there is a variety of natural cricket repellent options that can help keep your home cricket-free. From essential oils and plants to the use of diatomaceous earth and other natural deterrents, the suggestions explained in this guide serve as effective deterrents to keep your home cricket-free.

Not only should you give these natural solutions a try, but please share this guide with your family and friends!

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