According to a recent report, as many as 16 million Americans are holding down more than one job at this time. That works out to be about 10% of the U.S. workforce.

If you aren’t able to bring in enough income to survive on one job alone, you might want to consider getting a second job or even a third job for the time being. It’ll be a great way to earn supplemental income so that you’re able to stay afloat financially.

What is supplemental income? Well, it’s any income you’re able to generate outside of your normal income. Many Americans use second and sometimes third jobs to create supplemental incomes that allow them to live more comfortably than they’d be able to otherwise.

Laptop and a cup of coffee at an office desk

Getting more than one job isn’t the only way to come up with supplemental income, though. There are also many other ways in which you can keep this kind of income coming in.

Here are five tips for finding additional sources of supplemental income.

1. Read Up on Different Supplemental Income Ideas

Did you know there are dozens, if not hundreds, of ways that you can bring in supplemental income? It would be worth spending a few hours poking around online so that you can read all about the different supplemental income ideas that exist.

Here are just some of the supplemental income ideas that you might come across:

  • Dogwalking
  • Babysitting
  • Housesitting
  • Landscaping
  • Teaching

You might be surprised to see how many different options you’ll have when you’re trying to find creative ways to create more supplemental income for yourself. Doing something as simple as babysitting could become a very lucrative side job that won’t require too much effort on your part.

2. Check Out the Opportunities Available in the Gig Economy

The so-called gig economy has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade. It’s created a whole host of opportunities for those looking to find ways to create supplemental income.

Becoming a ridesharing driver is a great example of getting work in the gig economy. So is becoming a freelance writer who specializes in creating content for small business websites.

It can be difficult to use the gig economy to create enough income to quit your full-time job. The supplemental income you’ll make while working within the gig economy might not always be as steady and stable as you might like.

But you’ll come to appreciate the freedom that you’ll experience when you’re working in the gig economy to generate supplemental income. You’ll get the chance to bring in as much extra income as you would like every month.

3. Take Stock of the Various Skills You Have

Ideally, you’ll be using the strongest skills you have while working at your full-time job every day. If you’re great with, say, numbers, you’ll be working as an accountant or in another position that has you tinkering with numbers all day long.

But that isn’t going to be the only skill you have. You might also be great at doing something like taking photographs. In this case, you might be able to start generating supplemental income by becoming a part-time photographer on the side.

Doing this will enable you to use skills that you’re passionate about so that they don’t go to waste. And who knows? Over time, you might even be able to utilize these skills to take on full-time work that you enjoy more than whatever it is you’re doing now.

4. Consider Learning New Skills That Can Provide Supplemental Income

If you’re already using all your best skills at your full-time job and struggling to make ends meet, you might want to explore the idea of learning new skills that can provide you with the supplemental income you need. For instance, you might be able to take an investing course that’ll allow you to start investing your money so that you can invest your way to getting your hands on supplemental income.

An investing class could put you in a position to begin investing in real estate. You might also be able to learn about investing in the stock market so that you can supplement your current income with Wall Street profits.

My Investing Club offers investing courses on day trading that could provide you with an eye-opening experience. You might be shocked to see how much supplemental income you can put into your pockets by day trading for as little as just one hour each day.

5. Think About Starting Your Own Small Business

Has it always been a dream of yours to start up your own small business? For a long time, starting a small business was a pipe dream for many people because it was just too difficult to do without having a bunch of money squirreled away.

But in 2023, it’s become so simple to start a small business right from the comfort of your own home. You can set up an online shop that sells things you make within a matter of just a few hours and use it to generate more supplemental income than you might have thought possible.

You can then take control of how big this small business becomes over the years. You might want to use it to generate a few extra hundred dollars each month, or you might want to try to build it into a business empire that eventually allows you to get rid of your full-time job and focus fully on your small business.

Start Generating a Bunch of Supplemental Income From Now On

If you’re on the hunt for supplemental income, you should know that it’s out there. You can find the supplemental income that you need to keep your financial situation strong.

Utilize each of the tips found here to come up with great ways to supplement your current income. You might not have to wait long at all for supplemental income to start coming in at a rapid rate.

Read through the other articles posted on our blog to get more money-making tips and tricks that you can put to the test.