Pet ownership is a fulfilling and rewarding experience for millions of people in the United States. An estimated 85 million households in the US have at least one type of pet. Part of preparing to adopt a pet and bring it home is getting your home around for pet safety.

It’s best to create a safe and stable environment for your pets while taking measures to protect your furniture, flooring, and fixtures. Your home improvement budget should be used to improve the quality of life for you and your pets.

The challenge starts with discovering what makes pet-friendly houses the excellent environment they are for animals. The good news is that you’ve found the perfect guide to what these homes have in common.

Continue reading to create a safe environment for your pets today!

1. Use Stain-Resistant Fabrics

Stains happen when you welcome pets into your home, but there are steps you can take to protect your flooring and furniture from accidents. Your home improvement strategy should be finding pet-proof carpet and flooring options.

Accidents during potty training will be laughed off since your flooring is equipped to handle spills. These pet friendly flooring options will lead you in the right direction.

A pet-proof couch is also wise if your pet sheds. You’ll enjoy peace of mind that your pets can’t destroy your furniture when you’re at work for the day.

2. Create a Play Room

Another thing that pet-friendly houses have in common is a space for the pets to play and have for themselves. It could be the backyard, a spare bedroom, or the basement, but your pet deserves a space to be a pet.

Create a room near your home’s entrance where you can wipe off pets and limit the spread of dirt and mud inside. Keep the pet’s toys confined to this space to limit clutter and provide a safe space for your pet to play. It’s an essential step for pet safety when bringing a furry friend into your home.

3. Match Materials to Pet Fur

The best way to hide the signs that you own a pet is to pick materials that are similar colors to your pet’s fur. A blanket covering your couch and matching your dog’s fur color will hide any fur shed between cleaning sessions.

It’s a practical choice for a pet-friendly home because any fur you miss with sweeping and vacuuming will blend with your couch and carpet. Incorporate this idea with your interior design plans when adopting a pet into your home, and combine it with a safe floor cleaner for pets.

Enjoy Building Pet-Friendly Houses Today

Owning pets is a wonderful way to create a happy and loving home environment, but pet-friendly houses are crucial for pet safety. Consider pet-proof couch and flooring options to avoid damaging accidents during potty training, and create a space where your pet can play. Pair your couch and flooring materials with your pet’s fur color to hide signs of shedding.

Pets are a fantastic way to enrich your life, but you owe it to yourself and your furry family members to do your due diligence. Read more of our Pets and Animals blog content for tips to give your pets the best life!