Meta Description: Are you worried about entering menopause? Read on to find out how you can take care of yourself. It will be for your long-term physical and emotional health.
Menopause is the stage in a woman’s life when she stops having her periods. If a woman does not have periods for twelve months, she has entered menopause. This is a watershed moment in a woman’s life because her body undergoes several changes at this point.

On average, women experience menopause around the age of 50. But it can be earlier or later as well. During the time leading to menopause, or even after it, women can experience specific health issues. They can be both physical and emotional. However, it is possible to work through all of them with the proper guidance.
Some issues related to menopause are well-known. But some others are not. Moreover, every woman experiences menopause differently. Some find it liberating, while others find it a profoundly emotional experience and quite physically uncomfortable.
It is crucial that you have a plan in place in the years leading to the age of 50. This way, you will be prepared for it in a much better way. You will also be able to identify what your body needs and prepare accordingly.
Common Health Issues During Menopause
There are some common health issues during menopause that may start early as one approaches this phase. In fact, these symptoms are pretty common in the perimenopause phase. Some of them are:
- Hot flushes
- Excessive sweating
- Vaginal dryness
- Sleeplessness
- Anxiety and stress
- Sudden weight gain or loss
- Lack of libido
- Dry skin and hair
In addition, you will also experience irregularity in periods. You may have heavier or lighter periods, and the intervening time between periods may increase or decrease from your regular cycle. You may not have periods for a few months, but it may come back heavier again.
You may also notice some uncommon signs, like pain in the heels. While menopause is not the first reason that will come to your mind, sudden heel pain or pain in any other joints is a symptom of menopause. This is caused by the sudden reduction of estrogen in the body. The loss of estrogen reduces skin elasticity and loss of collagen, and your bones and joints do not get the support they need.
Moreover, it is common to suffer from osteoporosis around this time. This is because women tend to have reduced bone density as they age. The relation between heel pain and menopause may not be evident at first. However, as the other signs of menopause start showing up, you will be able to understand the correlation.
How to Take Care of Yourself During Menopause for Long-Term Health?
Many women believe that their life is over just because their child-bearing years have come to an end. In reality, if you hit menopause around 50, you have at least twenty to thirty years more to live a long and fulfilling life. Here are some things you can do.
Plenty of Exercises
Even if you were not into exercising before, you should try incorporating some exercise routines during menopause. You can choose yoga, pilates, or any other exercise that you think works for you.
Staying active releases the happy hormones in your body, like oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, that helps in fighting depression. Besides, they keep your joints supple and your muscles functioning smoothly, all of which help you stay healthy.
Eating Healthy
A nourishing diet is a must during menopause. Your body needs all the nutrients to fight bone and heart health issues. The hormonal imbalance and sweating can lead to high blood pressure and mood swings.
A healthy diet rich in fiber, protein, calcium and vitamins is essential. It does not matter if you are non-vegetarian, vegan or vegetarian. Just make sure you are taking your daily quota of nutrients and getting plenty of sunlight for Vitamin D. Your skin will lose its elasticity due to the loss of collagen but vitamins A and E will help replenish that. Take your leafy greens and fruits. If you do not nourish yourself internally, it will reflect on your body. And you will feel worse about it. So make sure you have a diet in place after consulting your doctor.
Get Health Check-Ups
It is crucial to stay on top of your health check-ups from this point onwards. There is an increased risk of heart issues, tumors, bone problems, diabetes and high blood pressure around this time.
Your thyroid levels may fluctuate, and so can your hemoglobin levels. It is vital to go for regular health checks so that you can stay on top of your health issues.
Stay Engaged
Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally during this time is essential. Stimulate your mind, or you will soon feel monotonous. Since depression is common during menopause, you must consciously make it a point to engage in habits that make you genuinely happy.
Be surrounded by friends and family, pick up a new hobby, read and learn new topics, and go for walking tours of museums. All of this will keep you motivated to attain new things in life. And it will be emotionally fulfilling in the long run.
Indulge in Self-Care
You must have a self-care routine in place. This is very important during menopause for long-term health. Keep aside some quality time for just the things you love to do. Pamper yourself and give yourself what you need without feeling guilty about it.
Start a morning routine so that you feel energized through the rest of your day. Declutter your day and engage in meaningful activities that make you look forward to your future.
It can be a little daunting entering menopause. But that is only because you do not have a plan for yourself. With the information available to modern women, you can prepare yourself for this time in your life. Seek help and guidance from your doctor; if needed, you can also go for therapy.
Once the initial discomfort caused due to hormonal changes is over, you will feel much better about yourself and be glad and excited about this phase in your life.
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