Manuka honey is a highly sought after type of honey that is produced by bees that pollinate the Manuka bush, native to New Zealand. It has long been used as a natural remedy for various ailments due to its unique properties. Manuka honey’s reputation as a medicinal product has grown in recent years due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Its popularity has spread around the globe and it is now being used in many different products such as skincare and food items. 

This guide will provide an overview of what makes the best manuka honey so special, how it can be used for health benefits, and some tips on where you can buy it.

History of Manuka Honey Production

Manuka honey is a unique type of honey that has been produced in New Zealand for many centuries. Manuka honey is made from the nectar of the Manuka tree, which is native to New Zealand and Australia. The best manuka honey in Singapore blooms for just a few weeks every year, and during this time, bees collect its nectar to create this special type of honey. Manuka honey has long been used by Maori people in traditional medicine and healing rituals due to its natural antibiotic properties.

The production of Manuka honey began as early as 1820 when British settlers first arrived in New Zealand, bringing with them European beekeeping practices. In 1841 the first commercial beekeeping operations began, with hives set up around manuka forests in search of lucrative harvests. Even during these early days it was recognised that the dark coloured manuka nectar produced darker coloured honeys than other types of flower nectars; these darker honeys also had a stronger flavor and were often preferred by local consumers over lighter honeys made from clover or other flowers.

During World War II there was an increase in demand for medical grade antibiotics due to battlefield injuries sustained by troops on both sides; this led to an increased interest in the antibacterial properties.

Types and Grades of Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is a type of honey that has been popularized in recent years for its many health benefits. Manuka honey is produced in New Zealand by bees that forage on the nectar of the Manuka bush or tree. This type of honey has a unique composition and distinctive flavor, and it comes in several different grades. 

The most common way to classify Manuka honey is based on its Unique Manuka Factor (UMF). The UMF rating measures the concentration of three compounds found only in this type of honey: Methylglyoxal, and dihydroxyacetone. The higher the UMF rating, the higher the concentration of these compounds. Generally speaking, ratings at or above 10 are considered to be medicinal grade. 

There are several grades available: 

• UMF 5-9: This grade is considered to be low-grade and can be used as an alternative sweetener in food and beverages but may not have any significant medicinal properties. 

• UMF 10-15: This mid-range grade is often used as a natural remedy for ailments such as colds and sore throats due to its antibacterial properties.

How to Choose Quality Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is a type of monofloral honey that is produced by bees that feed on the flowers of the Manuka bush, which is native to New Zealand. It has long been revered for its medicinal properties, and recent scientific studies have shown it to have many health benefits. But with so many brands and varieties of Manuka honey available, how do you know which one to choose? Here are some tips for selecting quality Manuka honey.

1. Look for a high Methylglyoxal (MGO) rating: Every batch of Manuka honey is tested for its Methylglyoxal content, which indicates its potency and therapeutic effects. The higher the rating, the more potent it will be. Look for a Manuka honey with an MGO rating of at least 100 or higher if you are looking for maximum benefit from your purchase.

2. Choose raw over pasteurized: Many brands of Manuka Honey use pasteurization as part of their process in order to extend shelf life and preserve flavor. However, this can reduce some of the healing properties associated with raw Manuka Honey due to heat exposure during processing. If you want maximum benefit from your purchase, opt for raw or unpasteurized options instead when possible.

How to Use and Store Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is a unique type of honey that is produced in New Zealand and has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various ailments. It is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and can be used to treat skin conditions, digestive issues, colds and flu, allergies, wound healing, and more. While manuka honey can be consumed on its own or added to beverages or food dishes as a sweetener, there are also some important guidelines to remember when using it. This article will provide an overview of how to use and store manuka honey safely so you can take full advantage of this powerful superfood. 

First off, it’s important to understand the different grades of manuka honey available. Manuka honey comes in three grades: active (10+), premium (15+), and medical (20+). The higher the grade number indicates the higher concentration level of antibacterial compounds such as Methylglyoxal (MGO) found in the product. Generally speaking, active grade 10+ is best suited for everyday use while premium 15+ may be more beneficial for treating specific health conditions such as wounds or infections. Lastly, medical 20+, with its highest concentration levels of MGO should only be used under advice.

Potential Side Effects and Risks Associated with Consuming Manuka Honey

Manuka honey has been gaining a lot of attention as a natural health product recently due to its many potential health benefits. Manuka honey is a type of honey produced in New Zealand from the nectar of the manuka tree, and is thought to have higher levels of antibacterial activity than other types of honey. Many people are drawn to its purported health benefits, such as helping with digestive issues, wound healing, and even treating certain skin conditions like eczema. However, it’s important to note that there are potential side effects and risks associated with consuming manuka honey that you should be aware of before trying it out yourself.

One potential risk associated with consuming manuka honey is an allergic reaction. Just like any food or supplement you consume, some people may be allergic to manuka honey and experience symptoms such as hives or difficulty breathing if they consume it. It’s also important to note that because raw manuka honey contains pollen from the flowers on which the bees feed, those who suffer from pollen allergies may also experience an adverse reaction if they consume this type of honey. 


Manuka honey is a unique type of honey sourced from the nectar of Manuka trees in New Zealand. It has many health benefits and is used to treat a variety of ailments and conditions. The antibacterial properties of manuka honey make it effective in treating sore throats, wounds, stomach ulcers, and skin infections. Its anti-inflammatory effects can help reduce pain and swelling caused by arthritis, eczema, gingivitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Overall, Manuka honey is an excellent natural remedy that can be used to improve our overall health and well-being.