Cleaning a hot tub can be a lengthy process. It is no wonder people leave it too long, especially when they worry they might make mistakes. When is the last time you cleaned your hot tub, and did you ensure you did it right?

This article will discuss five of the biggest hot tub maintenance mistakes when trying to ensure everything is safe and relaxing.

Some of these maintenance mistakes for large hot tubs are not obvious, so make sure you check on each one to ensure your cleaning process does not fall foul of them.

Using Too Many Chemicals

One of the main ways you might be increasing your hot tub maintenance costs without good results is by pouring too many chemicals into the water.

At best, this might interfere with the filter or cause harm to the hot tub’s pumps. At worst, you could cause harm to the skin or eyes of those who use the hot tub, especially if they have sensitive skin.

The best hot tub chemicals should have instructions on them detailing how to use them in your device. Thus, stick to the advice on the product and you should keep both your tub and your guests free from problems.

Not Cleaning the Filters

Another important part of your hot tub maintenance routine should be to clean the filter once every month. This involves more than running water through it, you also need to use an appropriate filter cleaner to ensure you remove all grime and bacteria.

Failing to Check the pH

A pH that is too high or low could lead to the growth of algae in your hot tub. Not only is this bad for people’s health, but it is also disgusting to look at.

When inspecting hot tubs, you should use a chemical test kit to ensure the pH of the tub is between 7.2 and 7.8. If not, you can use hot tub chemicals to bring it back to appropriate levels.

Not Refilling Regularly

Over a few months, a hot tub’s water will become dirty with bodily oils, bacteria, and many other things. This can lead to hot tub damage as well as health issues for people who use it.

Remember to completely drain, clean, and refill the tub once every four months to prevent this issue from occurring.

Leaving Stuff to Collect in the Tub

Cleaning the hot tub stops dirt, wayward insects, and other items from collecting on the bottom. Nobody wants to find something in the hot tub that is not supposed to be there.

The best way to avoid this issue is to use a skimming net on the top of the tub, as well as leave a cover on it when it is not in use. As long as you are cleaning the hot tub regularly, you should then be fine.

Further Hot Tub Maintenance Mistakes

By learning from the above hot tub maintenance mistakes, you should now have a much better idea of how to handle your device. If you are still unsure, though, there is always the opportunity to learn more.

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