After giving birth, taking care of yourself during the postpartum period is crucial for a healthy recovery. It is good to plan ahead so that you can have things ready for when you give birth. Some of these are tangible items that make for a good recovery toolkit, while others may include things like a support network for help.

Here are some essentials that can support your postpartum recovery. Some of these things are tangible items, while others are things that help you on your journey.

Pain relief

After giving birth, you’ll experience soreness and pain. Your doctor or midwife may prescribe pain relievers or suggest other remedies like over the counter pain relief, ice packs, warm compresses, or pain-relief sprays.

Postpartum bleeding

You’ll experience bleeding for several days to weeks after delivery. You’ll need pads, underwear, and peri bottles to manage the bleeding and avoid infections.

Breastfeeding supplies

If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need nursing bras, breast pads, creams, and a breast pump. You may also want to use a breastfeeding supplement or breastfeeding tea that helps with a healthy milk supply.

You can make or buy lactation snacks to help as well.

Belly Band

A postpartum belly band helps offer support and compression. This can help you feel more secure while you are moving around, but it is also a healing aid.


Eating a balanced and nutritious diet will fuel your body for postpartum recovery and breastfeeding. Taking postnatal vitamins such as Mary Ruth Organics and drink plenty of water.

You can plan ahead by meal prepping and making lots of frozen meals ahead of time, especially for when your significant other may have to go to work. Some great ideas include making frozen smoothie packs (frozen fruit ready to put in the blender), and soups full of beans and veggies.

Rest and sleep

Newborns don’t follow a sleep or feeding schedule, and you’ll likely experience sleep deprivation. Rest as much as you can, and ask for help from family members or friends when possible. Be sure to follow rest guidelines, such as not lifting. It is helpful to have someone help clean or do chores.


Once your OB-GYN gives you the green light, exercise can help you regain your strength and energy. Start with light exercises like walking or yoga and gradually increase your activity level.

Emotional support

The postpartum period can be overwhelming and emotionally challenging. Talk to your healthcare provider, partner, or a therapist about your feelings and concerns. Joining a support group or connecting with other new moms can also be helpful.