People can become stressed for many different reasons, and as a result, the level of stress can differ from person to person, and from reason to reason. However, no matter what kind of stress you are under, there are certain mistakes that you should avoid doing. Here are several mistakes to avoid when dealing with stress, and some ideas that you could implement or trial in your daily lifestyle, in hopes of not only avoiding the mistakes but to also reduce your stress levels

Not using relaxation methods 

A great combatant to stress is finding ways in which to relax. The problem, however, is that when people become stressed, they often won’t give themselves any time in which to relax. Sometimes the person may not even know how to relax. The reason it is so important to give yourself time to relax and decompress is not only will you give yourself time and clarity to process any thoughts or situations that you are dealing with, but it is also beneficial for your mental and physical health. Luckily, there are many different ways in which a person can take time and decompress. A few of these include the following. 


A common go-to that many people will suggest is meditation. The reason that this is a popular choice to aid in relaxation is that you can begin to gain the benefits of meditation in as little as 5 minutes a day, not only this but it is easy to learn as there are many online guided tutorials. 

Do something simple that you enjoy

Stress is generally made worse when we are over-stimulated, and unfortunately, we live in a very stimulating world. So, an easy way to give your mind a break is to find something simple that you enjoy and allow yourself to get wrapped up in it. This can include things like painting, listening to music with your eyes closed, or even reading a book. 

Alternative methods

There are many benefits that can be found in natural herbs and plants, many of which are harnessed and sold through businesses like The Standard, which specialize in hemp extract products. 

Isolating yourself 

Quite a common mistake that many people who deal with stress find themselves doing is isolating themselves from their friends and family. This can be done consciously or subconsciously, and it can happen over a short period of time being very apparent, or it can happen over a long period of time and be less obvious to those around you. A few of the reasons that people tend to isolate when they are dealing with stress can be due to not wanting to project their low mood onto others, not feeling like they have enough time to engage in social pleasantries, or simply, that they feel like they don’t have the time or energy to be around others as dealing with stress can be extremely tiring. 

If you feel isolated or are noticing yourself withdrawing socially, it is advisable that you reverse this process as quickly as possible. You can start this process a few ways including, reaching out to a friend, attending social events and activities that you enjoy, or if you are struggling even considering seeking professional help. 


Generally, when people are stressed, depressed, or things are just not going how they had planned, find it easy to self-sabotage. This is an easy mistake many people make, and it comes in many forms. It could be that you are mindlessly spending money on things that you don’t want or need, you could be picking up new and unhealthy habits or routines, overworking yourself, or just generally not taking care of your physical and mental health. All that self-sabotaging does is increase the stress and lead you into a never-ending cycle of negative patterns that become increasingly harder to break. 

A common form of self-sabotage that even people with only mild stress face, and that is important to look out for, is a lack of sleep. Like with any self-sabotaging behavior, there is usually a fairly simple solution to put a stop to it. With sleep, an easy first step is to create a healthy night-time routine. This may include limited use of your mobile phone 1 hour before sleep, going to bed at the same time, reading a book to relax, and no late-night snacking or eating for example. 

Focusing on the negatives 

When everything feels like it is going wrong, or if you feel like you have a never-ending list of seemingly unachievable goals, whatever it is you are dealing with, if you are stressed it is easy to make the mistake of focusing solely on the negatives. The reason you want to avoid this negative mindset is that your brain has a special way of filtering out unneeded information so as not to overwhelm yourself. It does this by noticing patterns that you are focused on. For example, if you want a specific item, you will generally see it everywhere. This is because you are focused on the item and your brain is spotting it everywhere. The same happens with both positive and negative situations in your life. 

If you focus your energy on everything negative that happens in your life, you will start to see it everywhere. Instead, try to focus on the positives that are happening, while just being aware and learning from the negatives. This way your mind will be much more open to the great things that are happening too, which in turn will help lower your stress. One way to do this is by journaling. Try writing about all the good things that happened during the day to you, and what you are grateful for. 

In conclusion, when dealing with stress you should remember to give yourself enough time, love, and energy required to be able to function properly. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance when you need it, try a variety of methods and techniques to help lower your stress levels, and be sure to avoid these mistakes when dealing with stress.