ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder found in kids and adults. It stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Nowadays, the awareness around this disorder has become more common, so it’s not surprising that you may have heard of this term in different contexts.

During the early years, it is quite normal for your kid to misplace their things, forget their homework, daydream while in class, get reckless and act rowdy at home, but persistent inattentiveness, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity can signal an underlying problem. If your child has these three traits and you think they’re more than usual, your kid might have what is called ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADD – attention deficit disorder. If the symptoms are severe, visit medambien. They offer multiple ADHD treatment options with a quick delivery. 

According to APA- American Psychological Association, there are three types or presentations of ADHD.

  1. Inattentive
  2. Hyperactive
  3. Impulsive 

There may be combinations of the three and how it will affect people. These types may also change with time.

The three different types or presentations of ADHD

  1. Predominantly Inattentive
  2. Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive
  3. Combined Presentation

How can you identify whether someone has ADHD or not?

Identifying someone as having ADHD can be very tricky as the magnitude to which this disorder has been mainstreamed these days, so it is best to reach out to a professional, such as those at Virtuous Circle Counselling, who will use Psychoeducational Assessments Calgary to identify if someone has any neurodevelopmental disorder that may affect their everyday life. 

People often label others as having ADHD, but little do they understand the severity of this disorder. You can’t tell whether someone has ADHD just by looking at their attitude; how much they’re distracted, inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive. The diagnosis is not that simple. There’s a series of checklists through which your therapist can judge whether you have it or not. Although, people who have ADHD are severely distracted, impulsive, and inattentive. Children who have ADHD during their childhood are most likely to have it during their adulthood as well.

Symptoms of children with ADHD

  • They’re noticed to be daydreaming quite often.
  • They are extremely forgetful
  • They misplace their things a lot
  • They fidget a lot
  • Very talkative
  • Careless
  • Easy to be lured in or tempted
  • They are not patient to take turns
  • Difficult to get along
  • They talk over people in a conversation

How can you diagnose ADHD?

Discovering your child with ADHD is a process that requires several steps. There’s no one specific test to diagnose ADHD, as other problems like anxiety, depression, insomnia, or other disabilities may have similar symptoms. Instead, diagnosing a child or an adult with ADHD is usually a long process with steps like medical exams, including hearing or vision tests, checking off the symptoms checklist, and background history of the patient’s family.

What can you do to help?

Living with ADHD or a child with ADHD may have its challenges. It is essential to educate yourself regarding the treatment of ADHD and some guidelines you must follow. For young kids of 4-5 years of age, the first line of treatment is behaviour therapy. Once they’re older, doctors may begin to advise that they take certain items such as Fenix Health – Focus Supplements For Kids to help them in their everyday lives. Everybody’s coping mechanism is different, so there may be tips or tricks that work fine for the person. The best way to go about it is to closely monitor the behaviour, followed by follow-up check-ups. Making changes and altering the routines if needed.

Here’s how you can help

  • Set routines with your kid
  • Set your plans before, and remind yourself of them every day
  • Make boundaries and follow them
  • Use positive reinforcement methods to reward them
  • Be clear in your instructions
  • Set incentives
  • Avoid exposing your child to a social situation if they’re hungry or tired
  • Involve them in outdoor activities
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Inform your child’s teacher of their condition and the special attention they require

Some Myths and Facts about ADHD

Myth: All kids who have ADHD are hyperactive

Fact: All kids who have ADHD might not be hyperactive. There are kids with ADHD who are inattentive but not hyperactive.

Myth: ADHD children can never pay attention

Fact: Kids with ADHD can concentrate on things they love doing. However, they’re unable to carry out those tasks which they deem boring and redundant. Hence, children with ADHD focus on things they like.

Myth: Children with ADHD deliberately behave badly

Fact: Kids with ADHD try their best to behave in an exemplary manner, but they can’t help it. They are unable to sit still, be quiet, or be attentive. They may appear rowdy, but they do not misbehave on purpose. 

Myth: ADHD fades away with time

Fact: ADHD continues into adulthood as well. It does not fade away with time. So don’t wait for it to go away on its own, start the treatment to learn how to manage and minimise it. The earlier, the better. 


Even though you may have heard about ADHD a lot nowadays, there’s still a stigma surrounding the disorder. Because it’s used so frequently as an insult or as a funny remark by people, it has lost its severity due to over-usage. However, when somebody gets a formal diagnosis of ADHD, they’re actually reluctant and scared because of the bad connotations attached to this disorder. You may not understand, but ADHD can be debilitating for people who have it. Therefore, it is advised to seek treatment right away.