Now that the holiday season is just around the corner, you will soon see lawns covered in dazzling lights and enormous Santas. 

With tacky pillows, elves on a bookshelf, and trees decked with decorations from so many different centuries, interior design will also serve as a bit of history. But what if all of this does not appeal to your flavor or personal style?

Being a scrooge is unnecessary, but this does not imply that your house must resemble Santa’s factory.

It’s essential to design in a sophisticated manner that echoes the style of your home. So, to help you out, here are some creative ideas to decorate your home this holiday season.

Consider an Ecumenical Colour Palette

Classical arrangements aren’t something you have to commit firmly to. There are many additional seasonal palettes to pick from, even if you’re preparing for the yearly Christmas party. So put red, green, or blue aside. 

To boost the season, stay with brilliant golds, either matte or with sequins and glitter and a hint of blush. You can also decide to replace some of the Santa allusions with other items, such as faux fur cushions, like this one in Big Bear Blush from VCF. 

This will maintain a cozy atmosphere in the front. Alternatively, you may scatter a few low-cost gold mirrors about your house to reflect the holiday lights, candles, and glitter.

Use Two Trees to Double Up the Vibe

Sometimes Christmas trees are pieces of art. But as any parent of young children knows, art can be messy. 

So there can be two trees at your house: a “beautiful” tree and a “joy” tree. “The ‘joy’ tree is the one that you can fully decorate with your kids. 

It can include all the handmade memory decorations from trips or shared moments throughout the years.  The “joy” tree is where your love for design will shine through, and you can take time to develop a color scheme and theme.

Add Kitchen Countertops

Add a side or back drinks cabinet because your kitchenette will be where visitors assemble, whether you prefer it or not. If you’re short on room, consider bringing in a kitchen island or butcher’s trolley to provide your non-cooking guests with a spot to sit and relax. 

Or set up a pop-up bar with your favorite treats. Although charcuterie and cocktails are excellent, including a guest’s preferred wine or cheese would be nice. 

It’s easy to locate truly one-of-a-kind standout items in vintage stores like Midland Antiques in Indianapolis. Another entertaining method to spark discussion at the bar is using local artists’ work.

Create room on the counter and cupboards available for visitors who wish to assist with cooking. There may be more people helping out in your kitchen if you are fortunate enough to be the chef of a large supper. 

Labeling as many locations in your kitchen as possible is one approach to ensure sufficient room for everybody to practice. 

You can also keep the measurement cups, teaspoons, kitchen utensils, twirls, and recipe cards on a stylish tray in the center of your table for easy access. 

You’ll be amazed at how simple it will be for visitors to use your kitchen and how much better you’ll be able to comprehend the soccer score.

Think About the Walls

Would you choose wallpaper, white walls, graphic patterns over that paint scheme, paneling on your walls, or painted walls?

If it makes you feel comfy, everything is OK.

But if you want to add flair to your simple, minimalist home without compromising its integrity, try painting murals or geometric patterns on the walls.

Moreover, if you fancy yourself an artist, you can use the walls as a canvas and add your personal touches with some useful components.

Within a glass display case, you may add a cushion or rubber liners to hang items like jewelry, keys, and important notes.

Just consider your possibilities for a reflective personal statement.

Bring in Some Home Organizers

Numerous open shelves and home organization options can help you organize your possessions so your property is never jumbled.

Home organizers and baskets are available at Ikea and on Amazon. You can also use a free Amazon gift card to purchase these organizers. These baskets, mobile shelves, and hanging baskets all play a huge role in the interior design of your home.

To start, you can make additional storage space in large closets and cabinets by separating them into multiple sectional areas.

You can avoid scattering small items all over your home by using caddies, which are portable and can be used to transport items instead of piling them up. Clutter is the enemy of attractive house design. Believe us when we say that.

A spot for everything is required in homes and offices where you have to keep things organized to avoid unnecessary work delays.

Hang Some Reflective Surfaces

Everyone adores things that are shiny, smooth, and bright. This is a great feature for small houses and apartments in particular. Probably hang several mirrors, whether your house is big or small. 

You may have mirrors in beautiful frames along the hallways, sitting alone on floors, or even mounted on the glorious roof, keeping with Victorian and opulent themes. 

Glass panels, mirrors, and reflected home décor are all acceptable in minimalist houses. They reflect light, giving the house a larger, cleaner appearance. 

You may blend light paint colors with reflecting surfaces since they have a comparable effect on your property.

Try Area Rugs

You should use area rugs in your interior decoration to match your vibe.

Consider adding an area rug to the entrance of a tiny house to define the space. Long carpets may be spread out to make a path into your house.

An area rug’s function in the living room indicates the sitting arrangement.


This holiday season, don’t let anybody dictate their old boring home decoration ideas to you. Instead, use your creativity and come up with an idea of your own.

Follow the above-mentioned creative ideas if you want your home to stand out with a personalized touch.