As a mom, you want your child to succeed in school. But it can be tough to know how to help them out. Here are five ways that you can support your child and help them achieve academic success!

Get involved in their education – attend school functions, and meet with their teachers

To help ensure their academic success, parents should do more than help with homework and tests – they should get involved in their children’s education. This means taking time to attend school functions and getting to know the teachers who are very important parts of the team that help students reach their full potential. Meeting with teachers once or twice a year will help keep parents informed on how their child is doing both academically and socially. It also shows the student that they have support from both home and school, which can help them to be more confident in class and more willing to participate. Attending a school performance or volunteering for an event can help parents feel connected to the school community so that if there is ever an issue, it can be brought up and addressed immediately. Taking part in their child’s education does not require a lot of extra time and energy – attending just one or two events can go a long way towards helping them reach their academic goals.  The simple act of showing up for your child’s classes or extracurricular activities demonstrates how much you care about their progress and serves as encouragement for them to continue striving for excellence.  Getting involved in your child’s education helps create an environment of support where everyone works together for success.

Answer questions and give a meaningful response

It can be difficult to answer questions and provide meaningful responses. In many cases, someone may be unaware of the correct answer or feel uncertain about the response they should provide. However, there are ways to help ensure that answers and responses are meaningful. When attempting to answer a question, it is important to consider how the response will fit into the overall topic being discussed as well as how it connects to ideas that were previously mentioned. Doing this can help ensure context and help prevent misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Additionally, providing what evidence one has in terms of facts or personal experience is helpful in backing up an opinion or point of view on a particular issue. When your child asks a question, be responsive and enthusiastic. Curiosity comes naturally in children, let them look at you as the go-to expert for their questions. This will help them expand further.

Encourage them to read – reading helps with vocabulary

Reading is an essential tool for lifelong learning and expanding our knowledge. One of the most important benefits of reading is developing vocabulary. The more words we are exposed to in writing, the better we can communicate by speaking and writing in a fuller, richer language. When children start to read, parents should make sure they get plenty of books at their reading level so that the words don’t feel like obstacles but rather like discoveries that are opening up a new world for them. Reading books gives children access to all kinds of information—some imaginary and others true—so that their insight can grow and make them wiser about their decisions. It also encourages them to explore different perspectives, learn new points of view, think more critically and reflect on what they have been reading. All these skills will be very beneficial throughout their lives. By cultivating a love for reading early on through encouragement and by providing access to books, parents can encourage their child’s cognitive development and help provide a strong foundation of vocabulary knowledge that will be with them later on in life.  Adequately exposing your child to the written word has numerous positive implications that extend far beyond just increasing vocabulary acquisition; this is why it is vital for parents to provide regular opportunities for their children to read as much as possible.  Encourage your child to expand his/her horizons today through reading!

Get a tutor to take the pressure off

The pressures of school can be overwhelming, making it difficult to focus on both academics and extracurricular activities. If you’re having trouble keeping up or could use a little extra guidance, a tutor may be the perfect solution. While many people view tutors as a luxury for wealthy families, the truth is that anyone can benefit from working with one. An experienced tutor can help to target specific problems and develop personalized strategies that allow students to improve their understanding of weak subject areas. Tutors also provide a sounding board and additional support when it comes to navigating tough assignments or projects. They can even provide helpful advice on college career preparation and application strategies. In short, with an experienced tutor at your side, it’s easy to take the stress out of any school challenge. Investing in your education through tutoring can truly pay off – not only academically, but also in terms of learning key skills that will serve students well into the future.


No one knows your child better than you do, and no one wants what’s best for them more than you. But sometimes it can be hard to know how to help them succeed in school. These tips should give you a good place to start. And if you need more help, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. There are plenty of resources available to help both parents and students achieve academic success. With a little effort on your part and some support from those around you, your child can excel in school and set themselves up for a bright future.