Medical malpractice takes many different forms, including birth injury. If a newborn experiences trauma during the delivery or labor, the health complications can be severe and result in lifelong challenges such as behavioral issues, delays in development, and disabilities. If you believe your child was injured because of medical negligence, get an attorney involved and obtain rightful compensation for your child. 

By working with skilled birth injury lawyers, you can ensure that your child receives the compensation they deserve, including compensation that pertains to medical expenses they may need throughout their life. The delivery staff is responsible for ensuring that the child’s delivery is absent of unnecessary harm. If a healthcare professional fails at this objective, they are accountable for failing to uphold this standard of care. 

Birth injuries are any sustained injury to the child before, during, or following birth. Suppose the medical provider or medical team caused the injury due to wrongdoing or medical negligence. In that case, a medical malpractice claim may be valid. Your birth injury lawyer can inform you of whether you have validity to file a claim, but here is additional information on when you should sue for a birth injury. 

Understanding Birth Injuries: Contact A Birth Injury Lawyer

Many types of birth injuries can result from trauma before, during, and after delivery. If your child’s birth included any of the following, you should discuss with your birth injury lawyer about proceeding to sue for birth injuries:

  • Fractures to the face or skull 
  • Damaged nerves
  • Brachial plexus injuries (Erb’s palsy)
  • Paralysis
  • Spinal cord injury 

Injury Is Not Always Immediately Apparent 

If you suspect an unaddressed birth injury is to blame for missed milestones, get in touch with a physician and contact a birth injury lawyer immediately. It is important to note that there are many reasons that birth injuries occur. 

Liability may have emerged from:

  • a medical provider’s failure to utilize the correct force during the delivery process
  • improper or negligent monitoring for oxygen deprivation 
  • medication errors

There are many more complications that can lead to a birth injury. It is best to speak with your pediatrician about possible concerns and reach out to your lawyer to discuss the legitimacy of your options and the possibility of filing a claim. 

Contact Your Pediatrician For Insights On Your Child’s Health

It may not always be apparent that birth injury has occurred. You may notice unusual symptoms in your child such as severe swelling, lack of muscle tone, seizures, delayed milestones like crawling, sitting up, etc. In these cases, contact your pediatrician and then speak with a birth injury lawyer about filing for medical malpractice-induced birth injuries. 

Put Your Child’s Needs First With The Right Attorney

Work with a birth injury lawyer you trust to investigate your claim and put your child’s needs first. Your child deserves to receive necessary medical care. You may obtain rightful compensation by pursuing legal action against the negligent medical provider.