Interstate rest areas are designated for parking and resting purposes. They provide road users with safeguarded parking spots and various services to eat, rest, refuel, use the washroom, or check vehicles. 

As you cross interstate roads, you will likely come across rest areas. Below, we highlight factors to consider when choosing an interstate rest area. 

What To Consider when Choosing a Rest Area

When choosing an interstate rest area, you should consider various factors, including:

Shower Facilities

Interstate rest areas usually offer shower facilities that are a much-needed amenity after driving continuously across multiple state lines. 

When choosing an interstate rest area, go for one that offers showers facilities so that you can enjoy the benefits of taking a shower after a long day of driving, including:

  • Cooling the body
  • Enhancing the feeling of freshness
  • Keeping your skin clear and healthy
  • Maintaining your regular shower routine

Flexible Spaces 

When choosing an interstate rest area, opt for one with flexible spaces. 

An interstate rest area with flexible systems such as shower chairs, wheelchair sinks, and grab bar options that can be adjusted horizontally and vertically is ideal, especially if you are traveling with a disabled passenger. 

On-Site Restaurant

Before you choose an interstate rest area, ensure that it has an on-site restaurant. Having an on-site restaurant at an interstate rest area means you can stop in for an appetizer, a full meal, or a dessert.

Whatever you are craving, you do not have to leave the interstate rest area to satisfy that craving.

Moreover, if you cannot finish your meal, you can take the leftovers with you and enjoy your meal a second time later on in the day or night. 


Many individuals travel on a tight budget and may have little room for indulgences. With the price of snacks such as chips and cookies increasing by 7.5%, spending money on gourmet snacks may strictly be out of the question. 

Sure, you will probably need to spend some money on snacks and refreshments; however, choose an interstate rest area that sells drinks and snacks at an affordable price. This way, you will not have to stretch your wallet to keep your stomach happy.


An interstate rest area serves as a safe and convenient pit stop where travelers can use the restroom, grab something to eat, and rest before continuing their journey. Consider the above factors when choosing an interstate rest area for the best experience.

Author bio: Thomas Bouve has had an intensive IT career in innovative transportation projects. During a 4-year tour of duty in the Navy, LCDR Bouve received critical computer training which he directly applied to various logistics programs. After his military service, Tom was appointed Chief, Research and Analysis Division within the U.S. Department of Transportation. During this time, he managed the development of advanced graphic mapping applications, which often included hands-on design and development. Moving into the consulting arena, Tom designed, developed and managed highway travel websites, apps and proprietary databases. Over his professional career, Tom has been awarded several transportation-related IP patents.