In the past, anyone seeking a DNA prenatal paternity test had to weigh some serious cons that often seemed heavier than the pros. Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling were two of the most common prenatal tests to ascertain DNA or medical issues. Both procedures involve inserting a fine needle into the uterus to draw samples from either the amniotic sac or placenta. Medically, anything that penetrates the body is considered invasive. As both procedures involve needles that directly access gestational areas, there are risks to the fetus in utero.
While these procedures are sometimes vital for medical purposes, it is no longer necessary to use invasive procedures to determine paternity before a baby is born. Now, a non-invasive prenatal paternity test, also called NIPP, is something that pregnant women can choose without any risks or injury. These tests are up to 99 percent accurate and results come back quickly.
What Does Non-Invasive DNA Paternity Testing Involve?
This test takes genetic information from the mother and the prospective father. Possible fathers will have to submit a DNA sample that is collected via a cheek swab. Mothers submit two different samples. One is a blood sample via a simple draw. The other involves collecting cheek swabs from the mother. Neither method of collection poses harm to the pregnancy.
How Long Do Results Take?
The test can be taken as early as the seventh week of gestation and takes about a week to receive results.
Are There Benefits to Getting a DNA Prenatal Paternity Test
During pregnancy, knowledge is power. The more you know, the better you can prepare for the future, from prenatal vitamins to saving money. If you’re wondering if you could benefit from prenatal paternity testing, here are a few reasons that you may want to give it some serious consideration.
Establishing Legal Rights
One of the main reasons people get a prenatal DNA paternity test is to establish legal rights to the child. Custody and child support are major factors that drive establishing legal rights, but there are other considerations, too. Some people may want to determine paternity for inheritance. Others may want to make sure the child has access to social security benefits. Every situation is different and unique. The common thread is making sure the child gets the help and support that every child deserves.
Medical Information
Establishing paternity could be vital for medical reasons. If the putative father of a child has a hereditary condition (or carries the genes for one), a prenatal DNA test would be crucial for having medical information in case the child inherits the condition or the genes. Preventative medical care may help with future treatments and possibly save the child’s life at some point.
Peace of Mind
Another practical reason to get prenatal DNA testing is for the peace of mind it could provide for all invested parties. Many pregnancies are unplanned and there can be numerous variables that affect the situation. One way to provide a sense of security is to establish paternity.
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