This way of learning mathematics was invented in Singapore in 1982. It was recognized as a fairly simple approach to learning mathematics that will be understood not only by children but also by adults. The technique is used in elementary and junior schools, but it is also used in universities around the world. Here, the solution of a mathematical task is based on visual perception so that students “feel” the numbers. If you are interested in detailed information about this way of learning mathematics, then go to this website. Today we will discuss 3 main methods that describe approaches in Singapore mathematics.

Basic Methods for Understanding Singapore Mathematics

You must understand that this method is not a special program that we studied at school. This is another method that removes formulas and rules. Here you use simple basic knowledge and see the task as a definitely visual task. To teach such mathematics, teachers do not study it for years; a two-year course is enough. Singapore math consists of 3 methods that describe it in more depth.

  1. Singapore Math Principe

The structure of this way of studying mathematics has a certain philosophy. This is not the usual school program, this is a deeper knowledge of science. It is important to highlight 5 main components here: A Solving Process, Concept, Metacognition, Knowledge/Skill and Attitude. Each of the components can be divided into specific sections:

  • A Solving Process is modeling, communication, thinking, group communication and reasoning skills.
  • Concept is geometric, algebraic, probabilistic, numerical, statistical and other points.
  • Metacognition is more about working with your own thinking, setting up self-regulated learning.
  • Knowledge/Skill is algebraic calculations, data analysis, a spatial visualization, numerical calculations.
  • Attitude is interest, confidence, perseverance and persuasion.

Success with understanding Singaporean mathematics is the understanding each of these components. It will help you plug in numbers, do calculations, improve your ability every day teachers start the lessons by learning the basic terms to use in subsequent explanations. Communication and reasoning is very important because students have to “see” the problem, discuss it and then look for a solution. The basis of this method of studying mathematics is to visually understand the task and understand how to find the solution.

Metacognition needs to be described in detail, it can be explained as the ability to think about how you think. This is a certain impact on your thinking. The teacher must control your perception of the problem so that you are fully focused on finding a solution. Here it is also important to teach the group to work together because the team can find more ways to solve the same problem.

2. Singapore Math Teaching Points

Each of the methods describes the numbers, makes them grouped or simplified. You can collect some of them in groups or break them down into simpler ones. But this method can be described in 10 points, each of which shows a fairly simple and understandable calculation process.

  • Explore the relationships between numbers.
  • Apply branching to decompose numbers into simpler ones.
  • Try addition from left to right.
  • Perform multiplication using a special area model.
  • Useful FOIL methodic for a multiplication.
  • Distributive properties are best used for division.
  • Rounding is best discussed as a team.
  • Compensation can be useful to simplify the problem.
  • Any task can be drawn for better understanding.
  • Illustrate a mathematical problem as a model.

Any mathematical equation is a set of numbers that you must understand. A problem can be drawn as a model and solved according to a certain principle. Break down and simplify numbers to build a more understandable model. It is better to discuss the solution of the problem in a team because each person has his own understanding. People exchange methods of solving and vision of obtaining the result.

3. Supporting A Childā€™s Studying

Parents often cannot help their children with homework because the Singapore Method is different from their usual school curriculum. We know other mathematics which is based on learning, memorization, rules and formulas. If it was difficult for us, then we simply quit studying this material. Not everyone liked math at school but now their kids might be interested. Many schools around the world turn their studying process to the Singapore math method and help not only students but also parents. There are free trainings so that you can understand the material and the basics of the methodology.

You should give your child more time to instill in him the mathematical foundation. These can be simple examples and exercises that he will understand based on everyday things. Ask him about the number of plates on the table, ask him to describe the shapes and colors of certain objects, count the furniture in the room, or describe the large and small flowers in a flower bed in the park. 

Children should understand what mathematical operations are based on simple examples. Pre-school preparation is very important, so parents use their own methods. It is best to make a game form of memorization, the child will not be bored. It is also important to show mathematical examples on real things (3 apples, 2 sandwiches, 4 dolls). The Singapore method is pretty straightforward, but it will be easier to learn if the child knows the basic concepts.

It is also important to help your child do their homework. The only problem here is the desire to show him the solution to the problem according to your old school method. Do not do this because you may confuse the child. Check not only the result of the decision but also the process. Even if the answer is wrong, you don’t have to shout. Study the entire solution process, perhaps the problem was in the middle. Children may be inattentive but do not need to be punished. Look for the mistake together. Your task is to show the child that mathematics is very interesting, so it is important to take part in his learning.