Trends come and they go, but some trends always stay in style. One such trend is getting plastic surgery done to improve your beauty and health. The practice of getting plastic surgeries has been on the rise. Post-pandemic, as people began meeting in person again, external and internal pressures to attain personal beauty goals rose. Additionally, non-essential surgeries became attainable again as plastic surgery clinics reopened. 

Why did the trend of plastic surgery rise in past years?

There could be a few reasons for the rise in this trend. The primary one was that people were constantly looking at themselves in zoom calls and video meetings. Everyone’s expressions and actions were visible, hence the ability for more self-scrutiny. This is called the “mirror effect”; the mirror image that we see of ourselves is not how others perceive us but it is how we perceive ourselves all the time. Therefore, being in front of a camera constantly has made people more conscious about their features, and as a result, their perspectives about their looks have changed. Another major reason that has contributed to the rise in some types of plastic surgeries, according to a leading DC plastic surgeon, is that individuals do not need to worry about downtime anymore, since many can work from home and have fewer reasons to go out. Staying home – or wearing a mask when one does choose to go out – means that there is less risk of embarrassment while the surgery heals or if the procedure did not go as planned. 

Facial Fillers and Sculpting:

Constantly looking at ourselves and others in virtual settings has led people to evaluate their facial features much more closely. This has corresponded with a considerable increase in plastic surgeries like facial filler and sculpting. Surgical procedures commonly focus on sculpting the jaw, chin, nose and cheek bones to slim and contour the face. However, non-surgical procedures like dermal fillers have similar results, although the results aren’t permanent. But dermal fillers like a tear trough fillers and jawline fillers are really popular for the convenience of not having to have surgery and the cheaper cost. Dermal fillers and wrinkle reducers that are designed to hide signs of aging have also become increasingly popular due to the “mirror effect” explained above. 


Despite constantly having to wear a mask in public places, there is still a desire for people to achieve fuller lips. This enhancement, along with microneedling, was on the rise due to the better chance of being able to hide it with the help of masks, or staying at home if the look doesn’t suit the individual. 

Arm Sculpting and Tummy Tucks:

This year has been all about looking after yourself and taking time out for your health and body. According to DC plastic surgeon, procedures like arm sculpting and tummy tucks have become increasingly popular due to this, since individuals, especially moms, have been able to get a break from the fast-paced hustle of life and get some time to spend on themselves. Arm sculpting and tummy tucks are a great way to achieve a more fit and toned look.