To many, parental alienation doesn’t seem like a genuine problem. However, statistics indicate parental alienation among kids of all ages is a rapidly growing phenomenon and needs to be addressed.
For those who are wondering what exactly is parental alienation, it is an anomaly in which a child rejects a parent without any considerable reason. Children alienation with parents is not something new but without any good cause is a debatable topic. There are various degrees to parental alienation from mild where child complains about the parent to severe where he refuses contact. This phenomenon is called a syndrome as it is concluded to be a cluster of mental health symptoms.

Alienated children often refuse to see their parents and this builds on in them into adult life. This syndrome tends to last a lifetime if left uncorrected. It is also seen that alienated children commit follies with their own children and grandchildren in turn.
The phenomenon of parental alienation syndrome is mostly seen in separation or divorce cases. Children who are part of families experiencing friction in their emotional lives are prone to considering a parent responsible for the whole fiasco and alienating from him. Parents who understand the severity of the consequences of their actions on child’s mental health try to keep them out of friction. Others, however, fails to comprehend the importance of parent’s love and a healthy family environment on child’s mental health and upbringing.
Sadly, they use their children as strategic assets in fight with the other parent. The children are manipulated against the other parent by portraying that he doesn’t love them and is not worthy of their respect, affection. Alienating parents encourage children’s disrespect toward the other parent and rewards them accordingly.
This gives rise to the role of children as emotional caretaker of the parents and complying to their unhealthy wishes without question. Often to the loss of another parent. Cases are reported where children killed their target parent under manipulation of alienated parent.
You cannot judge a alienated child by its negative attitude towards any parent. Several factors are involved in determining parental alienation. When a child’s alienation is the result of a justifiable action on part of the parent, it cannot be called parental alienation.
Emotional and physical distancing of a child from a parent can be considered a red flag. Children in divorced/separation cases are most vulnerable to negative behavior and brainwashing by a parent against other. Psychologists identify some attitudes and behaviors common in unreasonably alienated children.
As parental alienation is a rampant phenomenon it is advised to look for above mentioned indicators and take steps to alleviate it before it becomes severe. Children and teen depression treatment should be sought at the earliest to minimize the damage. The greatest responsibility falls on parents who use their children for their own ends and ruin the innocent lives in the process.
A child’s mind is a clean slate and everything written on it will have long term consequences. Restraining orders from courts and divorce education programs and therapy sessions are recommended to ensure the mental well-being of children.
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