Everyone who drinks beer regularly has preferences about flavors, aromas, and a quality known as mouthfeel. The main difference between light and other beers is a lower calorie count. However, people who enjoy drinking light brews typically have other reasons for this choice. They might appreciate a less-intense taste for an alcoholic beverage and find the lighter versions to be more refreshing.
A Wide Variety
The term regular beer is a misnomer because there are so many variations of this beverage. Lager, ale, stout, and porter are just a handful of brew types. A person who enjoys lighter options may very well find something favorable in the categories of lager and ale. However, stout and porter are dark and heavy. They have creamy textures and a blend of sweet and bitter flavors. A person who wants to learn more about light beer in regard to different styles can do so online.
Lower Alcohol Content
It might seem that fewer calories would equal less alcohol. That’s not always the case, though. If consuming a lower amount of alcohol is a goal someone has for drinking light beer, the person will need to do research or check labels before purchasing.
Some of the most popular lower-calorie beers have alcohol content identical to popular stout brews. Yet many individuals would like to enjoy a glass or bottle of beer without getting any significant buzz. It’s similar to people who like to drink a wine cooler during an afternoon gathering instead of a regular glass of wine. These consumers can look for brews with alcohol content as low as 2.3 percent. Regular beers generally have 4 to 6 percent alcohol content.
Flavor Considerations
The taste of light beer is typically considered simple, in contrast with dark brews that tend to have complicated flavors. Again, though, many beers defined as regular are not viewed by the experts as complex in flavor or texture. The most popular brands tend to be relatively simple whether they are light or regular. People often need to try craft brews and those from regional producers before they understand the differences.
Many producers of lighter beer denounce the misconception that the beverages lack complexity. Men and women who would like to sample some lagers and pale ales will begin to learn the various characteristics of different brands. Some are fruity or tart, for instance, and some have a texture that might be called silky or crispy.
Brewing Methods
Brewers use different methods to achieve the lower-calorie content. Adding external enzymes and extending the mashing process both allow more carbohydrates to break down, which reduces calories. For this reason, consumers might find brands called low-carb beer. They can also expect any light beer to be diluted with water to a certain extent. The end result is a product meant to be relatively similar to the regular version but with fewer calories.
The Most Popular Variety
Some beer lovers proclaim they would never drink light beer, as they want a fuller flavor and more noteworthy texture. Nevertheless, these lower-calorie brews are the most popular in the United States by far. The top three best-selling brands and seven of the top 10 have the word “light” in the name or a variation of that word. Light versions of well-known brands generally sell substantially more than their regular counterparts.
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