There is a familiar chill in the air as the seasons approach and it is as tangible in the office as anywhere else. This is all counting down to the big office party. And some one will either volunteer or get assigned this somewhat tricky task.  

If you have taken up the responsibility of planning the Christmas Office Party, you may feel a bit nervous. But never fear, with the following tips and pointers to planning a Memorable and Professional Office Party all the hard stuff is taken care of.  

All that is left is to fill in the blanks with your brand of style and definition of festive occasion. So, let’s get right down to it! 

Nominate organizers

You will usually have a couple of people to help out in this potentially monumental task, so consider the role of organizer very carefully. If you will not be doing this yourself, have one person with an appropriate skill set to organize the tasks involved in preparing for the imminent celebration. Delegate tasks to people to help, such as someone to handle food and another to handle entertainment. In practical terms, this means someone will be in charge of the menu choices, while someone else will be responsible for decorations, games, and finding suppliers who can provide a large range of ticket book printing services, as well as other items for the party.

The early bird 

You will find all the choice venues will be snatched up pretty quickly so this should be one of your first priorities and completed by the end of summer.

Identify dates 

But before you can book a venue, you will need to know which day everyone is free. This will mean inquiring with your list of invitees. As you can see this is a task that you will need to begin early in the year.  

Set a deposit deadline 

You will typically have to include a deposit on your choice of venue at least a few weeks before you will have the event. Make sure you set a reminder for this so you will not have to receive the embarrassing reminder that you are not up to date with your expenses.  

Gather menu choices 

Finally, some fun stuff. Now it is time to think of what everyone will eat. There may be a chance that your choice of venue comes with catering, which is terribly convenient. But they will need to know what everyone is eating ahead of time. Make sure you collect this information and keep it on a clear spreadsheet that can be accessed at a moment’s notice. Because someone is going to forget they have a peanut allergy. 

Dietary requirements 

You will need to check and recheck that everyone has carefully considered their choice of foods. Be very specific about the ingredients being used because there are allergies to a great variety of things.  

Bottoms up! 

Keep things nice and organized by including a package of drinks that suits the occasion. Many venues will often offer these staples at a bargain price. You will save cash and they will be waiting there when you arrive.  

Decorate your table

Bring along lots of fun party props from Premier Glow to get the party started. Fun props are a great ice breaker and get people into the party mood.

Choose your table name 

This is a great opportunity to add some style and good humor to your party. The venue will ask for your table name so be sure to think of something clever and witty that can spark conversation throughout the evening.