We are arguably living in one of the most stressful times in human history. We may not have world wars taking place, nor do we have to hunt for food, but personal stressors in modern times affect us differently. 

Hence the reason that therapy is the need of the hour. This further explains why psychological and mental health movements have gained speed in the last 50 years and are actively playing a part in society as we know it. 

This article will be talking about a significant stressor that affects us all at some point or another; choosing a career. Lack of motivation, diminished self-esteem, and general stress are all factors that confuse us when choosing a career path.

Here are some ways that counseling can help you decide the right career path. 

Motivational training through counseling

Many people feel a lack of motivation to do anything, especially in the last two years. The pandemic has severely affected people’s productivity levels which in turn leads to a general complacency. Counseling can play a significant role in helping individuals find their passions and motivate them to take hold of their lives. 

After motivational/assertiveness training, a fair number of people develop a newfound appreciation for counseling as a profession. It’s not unheard of to hear about people leaving their current jobs and become counselors themselves. Moreover, with easy access to remote learning, a counseling degree online is more accessible than ever.

Motivational training can help you get back on the horse for sure. However, don’t be afraid to go where the wind takes you. If you feel drawn to something entirely against the narrative you had set for yourself, think about it with an open mind. 

Career stress is a real issue

Some college graduates may feel so impaired by the stress of choosing a career that they might temporarily feel incapacitated to move forward. This self-sabotaging stress can severely affect your career prospects because the competition in the market is only increasing. 

While you are stressed and trying to find your direction, the scarce jobs in the markets are being filled, and others are taking up jobs that might have had your name on them.
One of the most common issues that counselors deal with is stress reduction. There are several coping mechanisms that counselors teach their clients to deal with stress and get rid of it for good. 

Modern humanistic counseling is known to use mindful meditation as a means of reducing tension at the moment.

The longer you leave stress unchecked, the more it is going to fester inside you. Dealing with it as it comes is a natural part of life. Don’t let the what-ifs ruin your chance to become something great. 

The role of career counselors

Visiting a career counselor can do wonders for your prospects if you haven’t figured out things yet. Not only do they list a diverse range of options before you, but they give your person-specific options by using qualitative and quantitative means to gauge your personality generates a holistic picture of who you are. 

Once they know who and what they’re dealing with, they start a conversation with you and give you many options to consider. It would help if you listened with an open mind as some people hold schematic thoughts which they aren’t willing to let go of. 

It’s just a conversation, and no one’s asking you to commit. Hear them out, and they might open your eyes to new opportunities. 

Catharsis is under-rated

We may not realize it sometimes, but we often know what we want to do with our lives. It’s just the brain fog in our mind, the stress of a fast-paced society, and self-doubt that creep in and complicate things. 

Counselors aim to engage the client in conversation and get them talking. Sometimes clients need someone to bounce their ideas off of and hear themselves think out loud. Getting your emotions, thoughts, and opinion out of your head and into the ear of another person can have a monumental impact on your mental health. Hence the reason why a catharsis is a go-to option for nearly every psychological school of thought in one way or another. 

However, always proposing cathartic relief may be somewhat of a reductionist outlook on the issue. It may work for some clients, yet for others, it could make things worse. That’s why these professionals are equipped with vast experience and years of education. They know how to handle each case differently. 


There we see the role of counselors and the part they play in helping find the right career path. We have talked about motivational training, stress reduction, career counseling, and catharsis. All these factors may seem simple at first glance, but there is a depth to them that only a professional can know about. Your job as a client is to keep an open mind and seize opportunities when you are ready. 

Counseling therapists are changing society for the better, one client at a time. With modern mental health movements, we see how important they are in terms of their roles. The 21st century may be one of the most depressive times in recent memory, but at least we have professionals who can help us through.