Everyone has facial hair, even celebrities. We are human and we are hairy, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. But, if you don’t feel comfortable with facial hair, then don’t hesitate to try out some of the most popular and best ways to remove it. From lasers to the good old waxing method, people are trying out different things to see what suits them best.
Removing hair from delicate zones might give us a headache, but no worries. The new, most popular methods include painless hair removal techniques which will also provide longer hairless and smooth skin periods. Take a look at some of the best choices, and maybe you will decide on something that benefits you the most.

Laser hair removal
One of the most popular techniques these days has been face laser hair removal. It is a safe and effective way to get rid of unwanted facial and body hair. The procedure works by emitting light from the laser into your hair follicles which then absorb the light and destroy the hair. Some of the benefits include precision, speed, and predictability. Three types of lasers operate on different wavelengths and are specific to your hair color, type, and skin color.
Of course, there can always be some side effects and risks that come with different procedures and the same goes for laser hair removal. Some of the side effects might include skin irritation and pigment changes. And remember, it is not recommendable for areas such as eyebrows or surrounding areas because there is the possibility of severe eye injury. In order to prepare for this procedure, you need to follow specific instructions from your doctor like avoiding sun exposure before and after the treatment for about 6 months.
Electrolysis is another way of permanently removing facial or body hair. This technique is done by a dermatologist and the process works by inserting an epilator device into the skin which uses shortwave radio frequencies in hair follicles to stop the growth of new hair. There are three types of electrolysis – thermolysis, galvanic, and blend. The most popular ways are thermolysis, which destroys the hair follicle by heat or electrocoagulation, and blend, which is a combination of galvanic and thermolysis techniques.
Electrolysis is versatile and it helps inhibit new hair growth for all hair and skin types. This technique can be used anywhere including the eyebrows and surrounding areas. The side effects are usually minor and tend to go away after a day. Some common symptoms are redness from irritated skin. Severe side effects are rare if you go to a certified dermatologist because otherwise, you might get an infection from unsterile needles which are used during the procedure. So, remember to ask around for recommendations and choose a certified dermatologist.
Dermaplaning is becoming one of the trendiest ways of facial hair removal nowadays. This technique manually exfoliates dead skin cells from the face by using a sterile surgical scalpel to gently shave the top layers of the skin. It’s a painless procedure and that’s why people prefer this way of removing the hair from their face. It is also great for people with sensitive skin, and it can also be performed before facials, laser, or chemical peels. It can be used frequently and the best thing is that it will not make the hair grow back thicker and darker.
One disadvantage is that it is usually more expensive than other hair-removal treatments. Also, the results can differ depending on the person’s individual hair growth, and it might not be as long-lasting as other methods such as waxing, because the hair is not removed from the root. Bear in mind that if you have cystic and active acne you should avoid this method because it can cause further irritation
The most common way of removing hair from the body and face is done through waxing. Using melted wax or wax strips at home, or going to the salon all depends on your choice. Some experts advise caution when waxing facial hair as it can cause pimples due to irritation which can turn to dark marks. It will leave your skin hair-free for about three to four weeks, but if it causes regular irritation it’s best to try some other way of removing facial hair.
For most people, it’s easier to wax at home as several types are very convenient like no-heat strips, or roll-on products. The good thing is that it removes hair from the root, leaving the skin smooth, soft, and hairless for about three to six weeks whether it’s on the body or face. Disadvantages include pain, the potential for ingrown hairs, skin irritation, and waiting for the hair to grow back can be a long process between wax sessions.
Final thoughts
Not everyone experiences problems with facial hair, but the ones that do will want to try some more permanent choices since it can be quite irritable to have to deal with facial hair every month. Laser hair removal technique or electrolysis seems to be among the most popular choices these days, so why not give them a try, and say goodbye to those annoying and unpredictable hair growths on the face.
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