We were doing some hiking in the Berne, NY area and saw the Kenrose Sanctuary was nearby. Since we usually aren’t out this way, we decided we would stop by before grabbing lunch.
Kenrose Preserve, with its 1.5-mile trail, offers a case study in the reversion of cultivated farmland back to natural forest. The land at this site, which was at the western boundary of Van Rensselaer Manor, was settled in the 18th century. Farms in this area raised grains, potatoes, hops and hay for horses that worked on the Erie Canal. While many neighboring farms were abandoned early in the 1900s, some cultivation continued at Kenrose into the 1950s.
The Kenrose Sanctuary was easy for us to find using Google Maps.
There is a sign out by the road that is easy to see.

There is only one parking spot here, and not really any other space to park along the road.
The trail kiosk looks quite old and almost abandoned, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

Fortunately, despite no information at the trailhead, you can find the trail map online here. I recommend saving it to your phone before you head to the preserve, because I couldn’t get a signal at the Kenrose Sanctuary. Therefore, we did not have a map, but I had read that the trail was just over a mile.

There are trail markers along the trail, and without a map, I assumed it was a loop as the markers were all the same color at the beginning.

The trail was muddy from the start. We have been doing lots of hikes lately, even doing a 3+ mile hike nearby, and this the Kenrose Sanctuary was the most mud I have seen in a while.
The trail loop goes uphill for the first half, as we stayed to the left of the loop. It may not look like that steep, but it was hard to get traction to get up the hill.

The majority of the trail was mud, and I found myself either sinking in mud or struggling not to bushwhack, as I try to avoid brush and ticks, and don’t want to widen the trail around the mud.

The best thing about the Kenrose Sanctuary is this 200 year old tree.

The Kenrose Sanctuary is well marked with lots of markers. It was interesting to see a lot of the markers were painted sardine cans.

From the parking lot, the first half of the trail was uphill. At the highest parts of the sanctuary, there was less mud, and a little bit of a different landscape.

There is a stream along the way.

Crossing this little stream was more of a challenge than I expected. The mud was slippery going down, and it was hard to get traction going up the other side, so I almost had to lay on my stomach and crawl on the moss to get up.

Not surprisingly, with all the water at the sanctuary, we saw a red eft.

I was hoping that the downhill (return half) part of the trail would be better, but we hit some more mud. You could see lots of deep tracks and spots where other hikers had slid in the mud. There were also lots of deer tracks in the mud, and you could see that the deer had slipped a lot in the mud as well.

We made sure to do a thorough tick check when we left the sanctuary, because we had brushed up on a lot of plants trying to avoid the mud. I wish the trails were better maintained here. While the trails were clearly marked, we struggled avoiding the mud and even trying to cross the stream.
This trail was a tough for us, and perhaps this would be a better trail in the drier months, such as at the end of the summer.
Visit the Kenrose Sanctuary website here.
Check out the other Capital Region hikes we have gone on in the Albany, NY area.
The trail looked challenging and worth trying at least once. I will see how far it is from downsatate NY and consider a trip up north.
The red eft is too cute! I would love to explore this area. It looks like a calming place.
What a nice place to go hiking. I love all the greenery and water.
Looks challenging but beautiful
Looks nice but I prefer to go there if it’s not muddy, the red eft is so cute!
Aww! That red eft is so cute! Nice place and looks really like a challenging adventure for everyone.
It looks like a nice place for a hike, but I will take your advice and choose a better day to go there. My footing is not that stable so I am afraid I will lose my balance. Thanks for the info..
I love to go hiking. We go hiking somewhere at least once a week. This year, though, the ticks are terrible down here in the south especially in very wooded areas. We are being very careful where we hike this year.
Looks like a great place for a hike. My family loves to go hiking. We try to go often in the summer.
That is a great way to spend the day, outside enjoying nature and fresh air.
this looks so calm and beautiful, perfect for a soothing weekend hike..
I love to go on trails like this. Thanks for sharing and is on my list.
I love spring for this. I love going hiking and now it’s the perfect season to discover new places!
Kenrose Sanctuary looks so beautiful! I’d love to take the family. We live in NYC, and we love it, but we also love getting out into nature.
How beautiful! One of my favorite things to do when I travel is to get out in nature. It all looks so different wherever I go. When I’m able to plan a trip to the States, I’ll be going to Kenrose Sanctuary.
It looks so tranquil there. Places like Kenrose are perfect examples of why it’s so important to get out and experience nature. It really is good for the soul.
It’s so beautiful there, I love things like this. It looks peaceful and relaxing to walk through there. Thanks for the great pictures!
Looks like a great place for a hike! Hiking at our nearby parks has really saved me the last year.
It seems like this was a bit of a slog. Hopefully, it is better for hiking when it’s not so muddy. It is a lovely place though.
What a wonderful place, thanks for sharing the images. Just the right place to hike!
Oh wow, what a fun time out! It looks like the trail was quite well marked as well.
We are avid hikers; however, it is not so enjoyable hiking with the ground is covered with sticky mud.
This place reminds me of few bush walk trails we did months ago. I enjoyed visiting local places like this and get to know more the community’s stories.
What a lovely way to spend the day! I need to get outdoors more often an get on a trail now that the weather is warming up.
This looks like a beautiful place to visit. I hope I can make it there one day.
What a cute little trail! I live in south Florida now but I do really miss hiking. Such great exercise.
I love a good sanctuary! I haven’t been there but its def going on the list! Looks like a great place to visit! Thanks so much for sharing! Love the post!
What a beautiful place to be outside and enjoy nature! I love sanctuaries, they are a lot if fun to explore. I can’t wait to be able to visit New York some day!
There’s nothing much to see. Just the same, I like the opportunity to commune with nature that the sanctuary provided. Looking at trees is relaxing