2020 was indeed a challenging year for the whole world. The pandemic disrupted financial projections and took a toll on all sectors. With the world’s economy coming to a standstill, there was an increase in humanitarian crisis, poverty, and many other issues around the globe. Many people lost their jobs, while some were utterly stuck with deciding on career options to pursue. 

With the employment sector ultimately coming to a halt, many students were left anxious about the existing job prospects. It is easy to follow the passion and only pursue what you love. But with the ongoing crisis leading to layoffs and cutbacks, picking the right career option is becoming even more challenging. 

However, with the vaccination drives rolling out around the globe, 2021 is set to add higher job prospects and economic recovery. It means the employment sector will bounce back with trends for career options to consider. On the other side, the workforce around the globe is changing and will continue even further in the future. The work from home trend is now a norm of the job landscape. For that instance, aspirants must research careers that match their skills and passion. With that said, let’s discuss top trending career options to watch out for in 2021. 


Engineering consistently ranks higher when it comes to the top trending careers because of higher demand and flexibility of skills transition. The degree in an engineering career comes with the benefits of flexibility and experience applied across multiple sectors. Project engineering is one of the top career options with a promising job outlook in 2021 and beyond. Today, the career has no limits, and every industry is seeking qualified professionals to plan and provision the projects. The primary responsibilities of the professionals involve planning, organizing, and leading the project in the industry.

Not just that, but the career can be complex at times. Juggling multiple projects while setting up meetings for tracking the project’s progress can become difficult. For that instance, upgrading and polishing your professional skills is always helpful. You can consider enrolling yourself in a MEM degree to acquire the skills to handle the projects efficiently. The professional degree trains the individual for managerial levels to work on diverse roles like budgeting and project planning. 

According to research, the industry may expect a growth of up to 4.7 percent from 2021 to 2024. With these statistics, project engineering management marks a highly lucrative career option that offers the opportunity to build decisiveness and project management skills. Individuals can smoothly transfer these skills to oversee multiple roles and work in a variety of geographical fields. 


In the ongoing healthcare crisis, becoming a physician or surgeon is a highly lucrative option available. The research suggests that physicians’ and surgeons’ job outlook may increase at the rate of 4% in the coming years. Meanwhile, the career options account for a total of 40% of rising careers in the U.S Bureau of labor statistics. It means aspirants that hold an interest in making a difference in the world and learn medicine have the opportunity to pursue a career as a physician. While working in healthcare, you will be leaving a positive impact on patients every day. It makes the job more satisfying than any other option. The minimum requirement for entering the career is a bachelor’s degree. However, it involves prior on-site training to work for the professional position.

The primary responsibilities of the physicians involve monitoring the health data of the patients. Not just that, but they also devise plans for their health and conduct tests to create positive health outcomes. In 2021, the United States is experiencing a massive shortage of over 122,000 physicians. There are gaps in specialties like family healthcare, psychiatry, gynecology, and internal/emergency medicine. By pursuing the career, you will fill the significant voids in healthcare and fulfill the humanitarian side.Ā 

There is also a big demand for work in veterinary medicine, and becoming a vet tech is a great career path. Vet techs perform a variety of duties associated with animal care and treatment, and many find this career to be very rewarding.


Along with healthcare, computer science is also adding prominent career options for the students. Despite the variation in the jobs for developers, the sector is taking the STEM industry by storm. In essence, full-stack developers deal with the programming side of complex systems. They code the client and server software to assist with functionalities in the applications. Moreover, these professionals are under massive demand because of the prevalence of technology. As businesses continue to shift to the digital landscape, they also prefer qualified developers to program their applications’ back and front end. It is also the reason why many people opt for full-stack developers. Since full-stack developers carry out several programming tasks, deciding on the career option as a full-stack developer might seem intimidating. However, getting training through education and the correct practice can open endless opportunities to work for the professional role. 


Many people ask, is digital marketing careers still relevant in 2021? Meanwhile, the pandemic is helping to answer this question with digital transformation and alternative marketing strategies. The digital marketing industry is changing forever, and with this change, aspirants are willing to pursue the career path. No matter how much the world advances, business sectors will always need digital marketing specialists to promote the products and services. With the business flocking to the online landscape because of the pandemic restrictions, there is an ever-rising demand for digital marketing professionals. 

Traditional brick-and-mortar businesses are facing challenges in building their online presence in a highly competitive landscape. Because of this, they are seeking professionals to devise campaigns that address their brands and help them reach the target audience. Digital marketing specialists are the professionals that monitor the success of strategies and steer them towards business goals. These strategies include social media, SEO, email marketing, e-commerce, mobile and content marketing. However, businesses mostly request experiences around analytics, SEO, and social media to take their brands to new heights. Earning a professional bachelor’s degree in marketing or a relevant field will assist the individuals in entering the career. The degree will enable the individuals to scale up with their businesses to provide top-notch digital marketing services. 


With an economic crisis affecting everyone in today’s uncertain world, businesses require financial managers to oversee the financials. These professionals generate financial reports and plan the budgets to aid the companies in achieving long-term goals. They serve the prime role of agents to assist the shareholders in the organization. Today, finance managers play an essential role in overseeing the financial health of the business. 

Individuals must have at least a bachelor’s degree and relevant experience as accountants, financial analysts, or auditors to enter the career path. As the world economy returns after the halt, businesses seek financial experts to generate professional reports and coordinate the investments. Moreover, companies are putting risk management upfront to protect them from uncertain outcomes. Hence, this sector will be leading high employment globally. 


Numerous other career options will be high in demand during 2021 and beyond. However, it is essential to conduct prior research to pursue what career fits your skills and passion best. Moreover, one must never assume that they will achieve higher salaries at the Lexington entry level jobs. The career advancement depends on the education and experience in the particular specialty.