Want to learn how to take care of your Avicularia Versicolor (Pink Toe Tarantula)? Here is some advice to take good care of it.
The Avicularia Avicularia, commonly classified as Antilles tree spider or Pink Toe Tarantula, is indeed a good starter spider. These spiders are medium-sized and are known to be very calm and peaceful. That is why they have become quite popular for a beginner’s choice to adopt them as pets.
So, these tarantulas need owners who are willing to give extra time to make sure the humidity, temperature, and other requirements are suitable.
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Origins and Natural Habitat
The Pink Toe Tarantula is native to rainforests in northern parts of South America, such as Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, northern Brazil, and Suriname. These species are arboreal and spend their time living around trees and other vegetation. This spider has a dark body with pink coloring at the tips of its legs.
The lifespan of females is 10 to 12 years under human care and males have typically a much shorter lifespan of around 5 years.
Water & Humidity
The Pink Toe Tarantulas natural habitat varies in temperature between 66 and 86 degrees. Thus, you should try and keep the temperature for their enclosure between 75 to 80 degrees. If possible, maintain the humidity level between 70 and 80%. The surface of the cage needs to be kept slightly moist. The key to caring for them successfully is to provide good humidity and as much ventilation as possible. Keep a thermometer humidity gauge in the habitat to keep an eye on the numbers.
Cage Furnishings
There are two essential things you should keep in the cage for your Pink Toe Tarantula. The first item you’ll need is an acceptable substrate, followed by a location for your spider to hide and create its web. You must provide them with enough climbing equipment in order to keep them delighted.
You can use compacted coir as a substrate for your Pink Toe Tarantula which will work effectively. It is suitable for maintaining moisture, it looks great, and you can find it easily online. There are other tarantula substrates that can be found online too. These substrates can also soak our messes and odors to leave a cleaner habitat for your pet.
To have a tarantula hide for your pet, you can arrange a minimum of 1 or 2 vertical parts of cork bark against the cage’s back wall. The bark needs to be lightweight and environmentally friendly. By keeping these in the cage, your spider will be able to choose and select the one that is best. You can also make a mini rainforest in the cage by adding some artificial plants and moss.
Tarantulas are active predators and eat a lot. Pink Toe Tarantulas eat as much as they can to get enough nutrients. Then they go on a month-long fast after that. You can not overfeed your spider. So, do not worry if you see your spider refusing to eat for weeks. A Pink Toe Tarantula does not require any supplements. You can feed them most insects which need to be at most ¾ of the spiderling’s size. Here are some insects you can give your pet:
- Crickets
- Roaches
- Mealworm
- Grasshoppers
- Moths or flies (they love hunting flying insects)
- Lizards (Some adults can also eat them!)
Handling and Bite
Though most tarantulas do not like being handled, the Pink Toe Tarantula is one of the friendliest species. They rarely bite unless you give them a reason to. You can easily move them from one hand to another hand with slow, controlled movements. Be sure not to do any sudden, disturbing movements, which might stress the spider.
Their bite resembles that of a bee and produces a moderate quantity of venom. While these are not lethal, they can trigger a burning feeling, swelling, and skin redness.
Diseases: Ailments and Treatments
The molting cycle is one of the most frequent periods for your beloved Pink Toe Tarantula to exhibit odd behavior. They molt and lose their whole skin as they outgrow their current skin, as well as the coatings of their mouth, respiratory organs, liver, and sexual organs.
The procedure starts well in advance of the molt itself. They will be growing fresh skin under their old for a few weeks before shedding. It is not uncommon for the spider to become very inactive and even avoid feeding during this period. As they prepare to molt, you will see a number of web-spinning behaviors.
When they start to molt they lie on their backs with their legs up in the air, looking as if they are dead. Do not disturb your spider when you see them in this state. This shedding process usually goes smoothly and quickly.
Once they shed they look so pale and their skin becomes very soft. They need some time to recover fully and get back to eating.
Other Problems
Any other problems the Pink Toe Tarantula might face are usually the result of some sort of environmental stress. There might be a drop in the enclosure temperature, parasites, or an uncomfortable depth of its hiding area. These things can be easily removed, changed, or adjusted.
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