The one rule you were given by your parents that still counts today is; wash your hands before you eat. This is critical as it is estimated that the average person has about 1,500 bacteria living on their hands. Areas such as under the fingernail have even more. The easiest way these bacteria enter our bodies is through the mouth. In the kitchen, we prepare food that is consumed through our mouths. It is imperative to ensure that critical hygienic measures are taken into account when working in the kitchen. This article discusses a few tips on creating a cleaner kitchen.
Image by justinedgecreative from Pixabay
#1 Tip
Rule 101 in entering a kitchen is washing your hands thoroughly. This is one tip that a lot of people forget. Especially if you are in your kitchen thinking you do not house about 1,500 different types of bacteria. But surprise, surprise. Every kitchen has a sink, so make that sink your first pitstop in the kitchen. Keep in mind that a lot of this bacteria can also move to the sink’s tap. If you do not have the time to spring clean the faucet, consider installing an automatic faucet that doesn’t require you to touch it. You can shop a range of automatic faucets that fits your kitchen style best. It is also essential to take note that when handling raw foods, you also need to wash your hands after.
#2 Tip
Clean your kitchen counters. Counters are also known as a place where everything piles up eventually. From keys, papers, mail, packages to a sitting spot of your youngling. It is essential to wash your counters at least once a week with hot water and a sanitizing liquid that kills bacteria. If you don’t have time to waste on scrubbing the countertop, maybe consider getting some natural chemical which could easily remove tough stains.
#3 Tip
Do not cross-contaminate. This is the act of physical movement from harmful bacteria from one person or object to another. In this case, it can be the movement of raw meat juices dripping onto other foods. When this is not taken into consideration, you can get exposed to foodborne illnesses such as salmonella. To ensure that you do not cross-contaminate, take into account the following, keep raw foods away from other foods when packaging, clean the cutting board after preparing uncooked foods with a robust sanitizing liquid and store raw foods away from other foods in the fridge.
#4 Tip
The bin basics. It is essential to clean your kitchen bin often to prevent the formation of bacteria and insects’ attraction. It helps to keep the hygiene in order, but it also creates a clean and aesthetically pleasing kitchen environment. If you want to implement an organizing bin routine, consider recycling if you do not already.
Nothing brings people together like good food and great company. Create a hygienic kitchen space where you can prepare top-notch quality food with the assurance that your health will not be in harm’s way. Follow these few tips for great and healthy outcomes.
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