Electric fires should be seriously taken into consideration by everyone. Since when it occurs, it causes a lot of irreparable damages to your home and puts your safety at risk. Electric fires occur for very many reasons. Sometimes it is one’s ignorance, forgetfulness, or carelessness when handling electrical appliances. Although electric fires might be a rare case, it is good to learn the ways of preventing electric fires not only in your home but also in any other place. Below are ways that you could put into practice to prevent electric fires.

Use extension cords as a temporary idea
Extension cords are never a permanent solution for you to get access to electricity from the main socket. These extension cords deteriorate quickly and lead to fire hazards. Also, any high drawing heat devices, such as refrigerators, hairdryers, ovens, should not be kept in use while on extension cords. For safety, they should have a safeguard connecting it to the electricity for maximum safety assurance. In case you will need extra power, find a qualified electrician and get an additional permanent source installed in your home that fit the electronics you have.
Unplug heat-producing appliances when they are not in use
Most people often forget the danger of leaving plugged appliances on electricity. Heat generating appliances should not be left plugged in electricity for an extended time when not in use since they always overheat. No one is to forget such appliances plugged in, even accidentally. Examples of such devices are kettles, irons, toasters, and many more. In all appliances, the switch should be off when the device is not in use. It is not advisable to leave in doubt so, unplug such appliances whether the socket is on or off so long as it is not in use. Besides keeping your family safe and yourself, unplugging the devices will save energy and keep devices still durable.
Keep the directions that are in the manual appliance
Every appliance, such as refrigerators, microwaves always come with a manual. Contact details, standard operating procedures, emergency procedures, and a description of the organization are what you will most likely find in the manual. These manuals rarely make their way out of the boxes. It is good to form a habit of reading the manuals before starting to use the appliance. There might be an action that you are not to perform on the device, but then since you did not read the manual at first, you end destroying your new appliance. Take note of the directions and warnings on the manual that could help prevent any electrical malfunction. Some devices come with instructions on how you can enroll to be getting notifications or crucial messages from the manufacturer.
Avoid cutting the third prong on a power cord
The importance of the third prong on the power cord is to protect you in case a power surge occurs, leading to electrical shock or any other electrical malfunction. It also inhibits anyone who may decide to use a metal object together with the appliance. In case your home has only two-prong outlets, it is good to look for a good electrician who can study and inspect your home to see if he can update your outlets to having three-prong outlets. This third connection is best known as the ground plug, and when it is absent or in bad condition, you will not have the same safety ground as before. If the prong accidentally breaks, take it for a repair, do not use it for your safety.
Do not ignore any trouble signs
Many times due to overusing an appliance, it may start breaking down and later stops working effectively. However, in some instances, the devices may start showing some signs. These signs may be due to an electrical problem or either the appliance is overheating. One indication is a burning smell when an item is in use. It causes the wire connection of the device to melt when it keeps staying connected to the electricity. Discoloration or burn marks around the light switch, socket, or light fixture reveal there could be an electrical problem. Either its voltage keeps on fluctuating hence burning the area. When more signs show up, stop using the device or the outlet and contact an electrician immediately.
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