There’s nothing quite like a weekend fishing expedition, surrounded by stunning natural beauty with a group of good friends and cold beers in the cooler. More often than not, the fishing venue is well out of the way and typically takes hours to get there, which means you don’t want to forget anything. Here’s our guide to preparing for a long weekend fishing outing.

Fishing Gear
You will need to go through your tackle box and make sure you have enough hooks, line, floats and weights and by enough we mean, a lot more than you could possibly use in a weekend! What would you do if your best buddy broke your favourite rod by accident? Of course, it’s unlikely to happen but an extra rod isn’t going to take up much space and if a friend gets busted up by a monster fish, you have a spare rod. Take an extra spool of line, or even two, in case a huge fish takes your line to the spool and then breaks, taking all your line with it!
Wet Weather Gear
Only you know if there is a possibility of a wet one and if it could rain, then you need your plastic over jacket and pants. A bit of rain shouldn’t stop your fishing and you always have your truck if it gets too heavy.
Camping Gear
If you are going to spend one or two nights at the fishing venue, chances are that involves camping; the smart thing to do is call a beer meeting with the other guys and create a list, then decide who will bring what. Even if there is a store up the road, you don’t want to spoil the party for a few flashlight batteries or some smokes and if you treat it like an Everest summit attempt, you won’t forget a thing! For more tips on how to prepare for a fishing trip, searching through Google will lead you to informative articles.
Half the time you will be under darkness, so make sure you have adequate general and task lighting. Many anglers go for the miner’s lamp that you wear round your forehead with a band, which allows you to bait up, open beer and generally do what you have to do Smart campers have roll-up solar blankets you throw on the truck roof in the morning and that feeds a lithium-iron battery to give you all the juice you need.
A quick review the night before the trip should ensure that nothing is overlooked and bait is another concern, something to bring up at the next beer meeting.
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