Parenting a child who has a disability is incredibly challenging but also wonderfully rewarding. You’re their biggest fan, supporter and advocate. Together, you’ll help them reach those milestones and cheer them on every step of the way. There really is no closer bond.

However, it’s also common for parents of children with disabilities to feel isolated and experience a regular rollercoaster of emotions. Often it can feel as though you’re required to jump through hoops to get the additional support your need, swim against the tide to get others to understand and maintain a sense of calm whilst everything is seemingly against you. You have all this to contend with, all the while managing your responsibilities as a loving parent.
Here we’ll explore some priceless pieces of advice for parents of disabled children.
Get your SSD claim dealt with
Financial support is vital for those with disabilities and if your child has severe mental or physical disabilities then you may be able to make an SSD claim on their behalf. Sadly, the social security disability claims process is incredibly complicated, and many applicants struggle to succeed the first time around.
What if the SSA denied my claim? Well, reaching out to a social security disability lawyer should be your next step. By proving the validity of your SSD claim, you and your child will hopefully get the financial support your family deserves.
Look after yourself
You’re not going to be the best parent you can be if you’re not well-rested, eating properly and getting the “you” time, all parents need. Of course, your top priority is your child, but if you don’t keep your health appointments and start to neglect yourself, you’re only going to make looking after your family difficult for yourself. Again, asking for help is the simplest solution. Or even catching a nap whilst your child is resting. Try to find some time each day to do something for yourself.
Remember it’s OK to ask for help
It’s easy to feel proud, and no want to appear weak by asking for help. Maybe you’re concerned that people will think you can’t cope. But that’s really not the case. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. If reaching out and asking for help is something that will ultimately benefit your child, then you should do it. You may find that parents and friends don’t initially offer help because they don’t want to intrude. Ask them for support and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at their reaction!
Find support groups
These days you’ll find support groups online and in your local area. Visiting or logging into these sessions can help you find the support you need, meet new people and even help your child make new friends too.
And finally, remember that routine is everyone’s friend
Having a strong routine will not only keep your child content and relaxed, but also help you keep on top of things. It also means if anyone else steps in to help you, they too can follow a simple schedule and not create too much disarray in your child’s life.
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