Checking thoroughly for signs of a lice infestation in her child’s head is a part of the liabilities of a responsible mom. There could be children with lice in your child’s class or it is quite possible that your child comes home complaining of an itchy head. Even, you yourself may feel something crawling around your ear, near your neck or on your scalp. Whatever the case may be, it is always better to be vigilant about how to check for lice in your child’s head.
The following article provides some tips for tackling this on your own. However, if the infestation becomes difficult to manage, you might want to explore professional services for lice removal Brooklyn, or elsewhere, to ensure effective treatment and peace of mind. With that in focus, let’s get started.

Things you will need for the purpose
A thorough search on your part requires the following essentials.
- A lice comb or a fine tooth comb
- An efficient conditioner
- A bright piercing light
- A magnifying glass of good quality
- Ponytails or clips if your child has long hair
- A piece of mirror in case you check yourself
The actual working
Having gathered all the prerequisites, you should proceed as following.
- Make a good set up
You must make your child sit in a position as to make it easy for you to check all the sides of her/his head thoroughly and conveniently. There must also be enough light to make their head well-lit so that your eyes can spot any head lice or nits that may be present. If you’re struggling to manage this at home, professional services can provide expert assistance. Additionally, take care of your own sitting posture to avoid pain in your backbone or muscles while checking for lice.
- Get all the hair wet
Lice are fast moving insects and, hence, may avoid even a thorough checking with a sharp light at times. according to these lice removal experts. Therefore, it is necessary to slow down their movement through the hair if you want to detect them promptly. Wetting the hair will do the trick in this regard and it will become almost impossible for the lice to move quickly through the wet hair. Now you will be quite on target successfully.
- Apply conditioner properly to the dry hair
Combing through the dry hair is never smooth enough to be effective. Tangled or thick hair makes it further hard for the comb to be pulled smoothly from the scalp to the edge of the hair. All this lowers down the process of lice investigation, for your focus always keeps shifting from looking for the lice to yanking with the comb.
- Make portions and fasten the long hair
Long and heavy or thick hair often cause problems in gripping them and make it hard to spot the lice or nits. It will be quite helpful if you part the thick hair and allow the scalp to get visible vividly. This is because lice and nits tend to remain near the scalp as it is often warm over there. Fastening the hair also makes huge difference to your performance positively and lice and nits get detected easily.
- Comb deeply and smoothly
Take a small portion of the unfastened hair and run a lice comb of good quality through it very efficiently from the scalp to the end. Then observe the teeth of the comb for lice or nits whether or not they have got stuck over there. Keep dealing all the portions one by one till you get all the lice and nits picked from your child’s hair.
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